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Learnings from LTAG - Dr Walter Barbieri

Dr Walter Barbieri

The Learning and Teaching Advancement Grant (LTAG) scheme supports innovation and leadership in learning ad teaching. This month, Adelaide Education Academy member, Dr Walter Barbieri (School of Education) shares his experiences of delivering workshops on the innovative use of AI as part of his LTA Grant.

[Read more about Learnings from LTAG - Dr Walter Barbieri]

This is how I use AI

Dr Daniel Lee

Incorporating skills involving the responsible use of AI is vital in today's rapidly evolving educational landscape. Dr Daniel Lee (School of Education) shares how he’s implemented generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) in the first-year courses English Literacy for University (EDUC 1009) and Academic Literacy for University (EDUC 1010) which equip students with fundamental language skills, as well as skills to navigate the complex linguistic terrain of academic study.

[Read more about This is how I use AI]

This is how I teach

Dr Charles Marley

This month we spoke with Dr Charles Marley, Senior Lecturer in the School of Allied Health Science and Practice, in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Here Charles explains how he draws on his background as a trained child psychologist to inform engagement and building of relationships with students.

[Read more about This is how I teach]

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