Read & Publish
What are Read & Publish agreements?
These agreements provide University of Adelaide students and staff with increased opportunities to publish open access (OA) without paying article processing charges (APCs). Publisher-imposed title exclusions and caps on the number of APCs waived apply to most agreements. Lists of journal titles covered by each individual Read & Publish agreement are detailed below. You can also use the Read and Publish Journal selector to search for titles included in the agreements by name or subject area.
Read and Publish Journal Selector
The full list of all journals included in the CAUL Read & Publish Agreements is available here . Note that the University of Adelaide has not entered into all of the agreements. Please refer to the Our Read & Publish agreements section below to see the 19 UofA-specific agreements. When referring to the full title list, use the dropdown menu to select the University of Adelaide as your institution to discover journals where you can publish. You can also filter by publisher or use the search button to find specific journals.
Frequently asked questions
Key eligibility requirements
To be eligible to publish as part of these agreements, you must:
- be the corresponding author
- be affiliated with the University of Adelaide, and
- use your University email address.
Each agreement has different conditions. Refer to the Inclusions and Information for authors links on the CAUL website for the specific requirements of each agreement.
Our Read & Publish agreements
The Library has agreements with the following publishers:
American Institute of Physics
This agreement allows authors to publish in 23 titles.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
American Psychological Association (APA)
This agreement allows authors to publish in 87 hybrid APA journals.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Open
This agreement allows authors to publish in all of ACM's hybrid and gold journals.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
This agreement allows authors to publish in gold and hybrid Cambridge titles.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Company of Biologists
The Company of Biologists enables corresponding authors to publish their work open access under a Creative Commons Attribution license in 5 journals. This agreement also provides access to all content, including the entire archive back to 1853.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
This agreement allows authors to publish in 15 CSIRO owned journals plus 2 society journals.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
This agreement allows authors to publish in a range of Elsevier titles.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
This agreement allows authors to publish in Emerald Management eJournal collections and Emerald gold open access titles. Please contact for questions regarding title inclusion.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Expert Medicine Collection
This agreement allows authors to publish in Taylor & Francis' Expert Medicine Collection.
Information for authors: Please contact for questions regarding title inclusion.
Institute of Physics
This agreement allows authors to publish in 76 titles.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
John Benjamins
This agreement allows authors to publish in 85 hybrid titles.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Karger Publishers
The Karger Publishers publish over 100 journals in the field of medical science. Corresponding authors can publish immediately to open access on the publisher's platform once the article has been accepted. This agreement also provides access to all back issues of these journals back to 1990, and can also be used for text and data mining.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Microbiology Society
The Microbiology Society is a membership charity for scientists interested in microbes, their effects and practical uses, and they publish 6 journals. This agreement also provides access to back issues of these journals back to 1947, and can also be used for text and data mining.
Information for authors: The Microbiology Society will confirm details with the author during the manuscript submission process. You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press publish across a wide range of disciplines including the humanities, social sciences, law, science, and medicine. This agreement allows authors to publish in some of OUP's hybrid journals.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Royal Society
The Royal Society publish 10 journals across the biological, physical, mathematical and engineering sciences. This agreement also provides access to back issues of these journals back to 1665.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
SAGE is a global academic publisher of books, journals, and a growing suite of library products and services.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website .
The Springer agreement enables authors to publish in approximately 2000 journals across disciplines.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Taylor & Francis
This agreement allows authors to publish in 2128 Taylor & Francis journals.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
The Wiley agreement includes over 1400 journals across disciplines including high impact journals available for authors to publish their work open access.
Information for authors: You can find publisher-specific information including author rights and details about how to submit your article for open access publishing on the CAUL website.
Discounted Publisher agreements
Some publishers don’t have Read & Publish agreements available but do provide a discount on the article processing charge (APC). The discount is automatically applied to the APCs upon acceptance of an article where the corresponding author uses their University of Adelaide email address.
The Library has agreements with the following publishers:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
This discounted agreement provides a 50% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish Open Access in any of ASME’s hybrid journals. The title list and further details on eligibility and the publishing process can be found on the CAUL website.
Royal Society of Chemistry
- 15% discount off the article processing charge
- The discount is automatically applied to the APC upon acceptance of an article
- You must use your University of Adelaide email address
- All journals included
Frequently asked questions
Who can publish via the Read & Publish agreements?
The agreements cover all University of Adelaide corresponding authors, both staff and students. To be eligible you must ensure that the University of Adelaide is your first affiliation and that you use your University email address.
I’m not the corresponding author. Can my article still be published open access for free?
To be covered by the University of Adelaide’s Read & Publish agreements you must be the corresponding author. If the corresponding author is from another institution, it is worth checking if their institution has signed up to a Read & Publish agreement.
If no agreement exists then you can still make your work open access for free via our institutional repository, Adelaide Research and Scholarship. Simply deposit your Author Accepted Manuscript in Aurora.
Is there a limit on the number of articles that can be published open access under the agreements?
Most of the Read & Publish agreements provide access to authors for unlimited publishing. The exceptions are Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Springer, and Wiley and Hindawi. These publishers have capped limits that are shared across all participating institutions within the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) consortium. The limits reset at the beginning of the calendar year. Reports are now available on the capped agreements, providing up-to-date statistics. For further information on the number of articles covered by these agreements, see the Number of included articles section in the CAUL publisher pages for Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Springer, and Wiley and Hindawi.
Which article types are eligible under the agreements?
Eligible article types depend on the publisher. Check the Inclusions and Information for authors links on the CAUL website for specific details.
Can I publish an Open Access book/monograph using the agreements?
The Read and Publish agreements cover journal articles only. The Library cannot offer support for paying Book Processing Charges (BPC) to publish Open Access books. Your funding may cover such charges.
Article processing charges
What steps do I need to take to make sure that I don't pay an APC?
Make sure that you list the University of Adelaide as your first listed institutional affiliation and use your email address. There are no invoices or tokens required.
The relevant publisher will confirm details of the agreement with you on acceptance of publication.
What’s the usual APC for a journal?
Publishing outside of a Read & Publish agreement, an APC varies from $1,300 to $5,000 AUD to publish open access within these journals.
Will the library pay my APCs for journals not covered by a Read & Publish agreement?
The Library is unable to pay for APCs. We will, however, continue to negotiate with publishers for Read & Publish agreements. Any new agreements will be added to this page and will be promoted.
What if I’m charged an APC when I shouldn’t have been?
If you were an eligible author and any of the publishers charge you an APC throughout the term of a Read & Publish agreement, then the fee should be refunded. Contact your Liaison Librarian for guidance.
Do the Read & Publish agreements cover all publishing fees?
The agreements only apply to article processing charges. Some journals may charge additional fees such as mandatory page charges, and fees for colour images and figures. Check the publisher-specific information on the CAUL website, and the journal's instructions for authors for details.
Open access (OA)
I have already published my article. Can it be made open access retrospectively within a Read & Publish journal?
Read & Publish agreements are not retrospective. Only newly submitted articles can be published as part of these agreements.
Will articles published open access under one of these new agreements remain open access?
All articles published as open access within these Read & Publish agreements will remain open access in perpetuity.
What if my article isn’t made open access when it should have been?
If you are eligible to publish in a journal covered by a Read & Publish agreement, the publisher will make your work open access.
What if I don’t want to make my work open access?
You will have an opportunity to opt out of the Read & Publish agreement. However, making your work open access has a range of benefits, including increasing the discoverability and accessibility of your work, and leading to increased citations.
The University of Adelaide strongly encourages open access publishing and it is also a funding requirement of outputs from NHMRC and ARC grants. There are several ways that you can ensure your article is open access. If you don’t take advantage of publishing via a Read & Publish agreement, you will need to ensure that you meet these requirements in other ways, such as by depositing your Author Accepted Manuscript into the University’s institutional repository, Adelaide Research and Scholarship.
Why do I need to release my article under a Creative Commons license?
Copyright restrictions can prevent research being shared and built upon. A Creative Commons license ensures that you keep your copyright while at the same time giving users permission to use your work in certain ways and ensures that it is truly open. All Creative Commons licenses require that you are attributed as the author. Each Read & Publish agreement will include specific information around author rights and attribution.
Always check the publisher’s terms regarding specific licenses to understand your rights as author. For help selecting the most appropriate Creative Commons license for your work, try the Creative Commons License Chooser tool.
Capped agreements
What happens if the cap runs out before the end of the calendar year?
Selected Read and Publish agreements have publisher imposed caps. The cap applies to the entire CAUL consortium membership and may be reached by the end of the year. CAUL has produced a report with approval and rejection statistics for capped agreements to help Universities monitor the capped status.
If a quota is exceeded, University of Adelaide authors can:
- Publish the article open and source funds to pay the APC
- Publish under traditional subscription model (read only access behind a paywall).
Authors are encouraged to submit an accepted version of their paper to Adelaide Research and Scholarship. To further discuss your publishing options please contact your Liaison Librarian.
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