HDR Meditation Webinar

Simple Breathing and Meditation Skills for Mood and Wellbeing for HDR students and researchers

The breath is a remarkably powerful mind-body link. Although we don’t usually pay it much attention, patterns of breathing change with different emotional states and different styles of breathing can be used for specific purposes, such as rapidly calming, relaxing or recharging.

Meditation is a great way to develop self-awareness and find a sense of inner peace and balance.

This session will teach simple breathing skills and styles of meditation. Information will be given so that you can learn how to meditate if you are new to it, and this can also be a helpful review for more experienced meditators. The session will be very practically focused.

For the session, please make sure you are in a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. You need to be somewhere you can sit quietly with your eyes closed, and where it is safe if you drifted off to sleep for a moment or two -  so obviously not driving a car, or in the bathtub. Sitting at your desk is fine, or on a sofa.


Tagged in Meditation