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I have always dreaded self-introductions but here goes....(author, Yasmine)
Work and life balance in academia

Content warning - this blog explores grief and loss. Please be mindful if this is a difficult topic for you. A range of services are available to you and can be found on the Wellbeing Hub.
Celebrating the little things

Why did we ever make it a thing to exclusively hold celebrations for major successes or milestones in our lives?
Things I love about August (and my annual migration)
I used to dread August. In some ways, I thought it was the coldest and dreariest of all the months down here in the Southern Hemisphere.
[Read more about Things I love about August (and my annual migration)]
The playlist of my life

I'm definitely guilty of pretending to be the main character on my bus rides to uni.
Acts of kindness

I need a mini time out from consuming the hourly news.
Writing block worries

I am powering through my assignment. I am almost there and then… writing block. I forget what question I am answering, what direction my argument is heading and find myself at a loss of what to do next.
In my room

Living alone and entering the whirlwind that is my 20s, I find that making my room into a safe and comfortable space is just as important as it was when I was a teenager.
Movies for when you're sick

Here's a ramble about what I did for three weeks while I was sick! Nothing... Absolutely nothing, except watch movies, eat food and stay in bed all day. Which I am proud of myself for, and you should be too!
Fulfilling an art project
At the beginning of this year, I set out to complete a painting for my mum.