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Dream jobs

Suited person in an office sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

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Graduate fears

Graduation ceremony

People seem to be graduating left, right and centre. But the worries question remains. What to do after your studies? This can be really daunting for most... 

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Another year comes & goes


Just like that, 2021 is almost at an end. It seems like only yesterday that we were all praising the end to 2020 and welcoming in a new year. Like everyone else, I have some mixed feelings about this year.

[Read more about Another year comes & goes]

First time surfing

Me, surfing.

I finally got to realise a life-long dream of mine!

[Read more about First time surfing]

Phone call stress

A dial phone

Call me a millennial, a lazy youth of today or simply an awkward person but, I have never been very good at phone calls. For that reason, I can find them stressful.

[Read more about Phone call stress]

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