A complete guide to survive the return to school

A table view filled with various school supplies

As the start of the new semester gets closer and closer, it’s about that time to get organised. 

I know the last thing you probably want to be doing during the summer holidays is thinking about school again. However, leaving the school preparation to the last minute will just start off the semester on the wrong foot. You do not want to go into a new schooling year disorganised or stressed. This is why I have compiled a list of things to do that will prepare you for the back to school season:

  • Sleep schedule: Getting a good night of sleep during the school year is so important. According to the National Institute of Health in the United States, not sleeping can decrease your ability to learn new things by up to 40%. So here is your sign to finally fix your sleep schedule before the new school starts.
  • School supplies: Research your required textbooks, buy any notebooks or stationary you need, and any other supplies you need for your courses this semester. Whether it is a laptop, backpack, headphones, or a new water bottle, there might be a few things on your shopping list that will help you during the school year.
  • Digital organisation: If you take your lecture notes on OneNote, create new notebooks or tabs for your new courses. Or if you use Notion, create new pages for each class. I also recommend creating a folder for each of your classes in your OneDrive, to keep your desktop more organised. Download the course assessment plans and keep them in these folders as well if they are available.
  • Goals: Write a list of your goals for the new semester. Do you want to get distinctions in all your courses? Join a new club? Spend less money on food while on campus? Writing a list of everything you want to accomplish in the next few months can help you feel more motivated to complete these goals.
  • Holiday homework: Visit the course overview page on MyUni and see if any of your course coordinators have listed any holiday homework. If not, it still might be beneficial to look over the first week of content, or start reading the textbook or any other resources you have to stay ahead of the class.
  • Relax: Finally, enjoy the last bit of your holidays! You want to start the new semester feeling ready to learn, not wanting another break. So, relax, spend time with your loved ones, and be excited to be back at University for a new year.

Hopefully by completely a few of these activities and following these tips, you can get back in the studying mindset and go back to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn!

Tagged in What messes with your head, university, back to uni, uni life, organisation