Biological Safety Management FAQs
Below is a list of frequently asked questions relating to biological safety management.
Please scroll down the list to locate the FAQ you need.
Biological safety management - biological hazard management
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide information and guidance to workers and supervisors on specific information related to biological hazard management. The FAQs should be read in conjunction with the Biological Safety Management chapter and Hazard Management chapter of the HSW Handbook.
How do I identify and classify biological hazards?
When identifying the hazards consider the whole task from setting up, conducting the activity, cleaning up and disposal. Also consider the hazards associated with a failure in the process (e.g. a bottle breaks while transporting).
- Refer to AS/NZS 2243.3 2010 Safety in Laboratories Part 3 Microbiological safety and containment for examples of microorganisms according to risk groups 2, 3 and 4 (note that the higher the level of risk the higher the required containment level).
- In addition the Public Health Agency of Canada has produced a database of safety data sheet (SDS) for people working with infectious microorganisms. These SDSs contain health hazard information such as infectious dose, viability (including decontamination), medical information, laboratory hazards, recommended precautions, handling information and spill procedures. The database is located here.
Please note: All blood, blood products, other body fluids and associated materials should be regarded as infectious and at all times handled as if they were infected with blood-borne pathogens.
What factors need to be considered when assessing hazards associated with biological materials?
A task-based risk assessment is preferred when using biological materials as it takes into account the process and the workplace, which is important when considering how a person is exposed. The risk assessment must be documented and kept in a place where it can be retrieved when requested.
Consider the following factors when assessing the risks:
- frequency of contact with biological material;
- all possible transmission routes;
- factors contributing to exposure;
- workplace layout and its contribution to risk;
- decontamination and waste management practices and their contribution to risk;
- the level of training required to perform the task safely;
- suitability of equipment for tasks;
- available control measures; and
- contingency requirements.
Follow the process in the Hazard Management chapter of the HSW Handbook.
What control measures are relevant for biological hazards?
Where a risk assessment has identified there is a risk to health arising from work with biological material, it is necessary for the area concerned to minimise the risk by controlling exposure. Refer to the Hazard Management chapter of the HSW Handbook.
See AS/NZS 2243.3 2010 Safety in Laboratories Part 3 Microbiological safety and containment for information on work practices for the Physical Containment requirements of the laboratory.
Below are some brief examples of control measures that could be implemented.
RISK CONTROL MEASURES (Biological examples)
Hierarchy of control Examples of biological control measures Level 1 Elimination - Is there a safer process, which eliminates the need to use such hazardous biological material?
Level 2 Substitution - Is there another biological material which is a safer alternative? e.g substitute non-screened with screened blood products.
- Is there a safer alternative for fixing or preserving specimens?
e.g. formalin substituted with Histochoice or Carosafe.
Isolation/engineering - Use a biological safety cabinet when there is a significant risk of aerosols being produced (see question 4 of this information sheet for general information on Laminar Flow and Biosafety Cabinets).
- A laminar flow does not provide operator protection and should only be used for material in Risk Group (RG) 1.
- A biosafety cabinet class 1 should be used for material in Risk Group (RG) 2.
- A biosafety cabinet class 2 should be used for material in Risk Group (RG) 2 or 3.
- A biosafety cabinet class 3 should be used for material in Risk Group (RG) 4.
- Centrifuges withsealed rotors or safety cups for spinning unscreened materials, large volumes or high concentrations of infectious material.
- Mechanical pipetting devices (see question 5 of this information sheet for more information on pipettes).
- Autoclaves (see Information Sheet Autoclaves)
- Immunisation (see Immunisation/Vaccination) refer to the Information sheet Vaccinations.
Level 3 Administrative - Provision of information, training and instruction.
- Safe Operating Procedures, work practices relating to the physical containment requirements of the lab such as not re-sheathing needles after use or using Standard Precautions when handling diagnostic samples or patients.
- Emergency and waste management plans.
- Laboratory and after hours rules.
Level 4 Personal Protective Equipment - Gowns, gloves, safety glasses, face shields, closed footwear etc. (Please note: contact lenses are NOT a form of eye protection. For more information refer to the Information Sheet Personal Protective Equipment
What general information should I consider when working with laminar flow cabinets and bio-safety cabinets and controlling biological hazards?
Laminar flow cabinets (clean benches)
These are better referred to as clean benches and are only for the handling of low risk microorganisms or for providing a clean environment for manipulating solutions. Air that has passed through a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter is passed over the work area and blown at the operator. Hence they do not offer any operator protection.
Biosafety cabinets
All of these cabinets provide operator protection as air from the room is drawn into them and then filtered through a HEPA filter before being discharged back into the room.
Class I cabinets do not provide any sample protection as the room air passes from the room then over the sample before filtration. Class II and Class III cabinets provide both operator and sample protection. These cabinets provide a form of primary barrier that operates by limiting the spread of aerosols away from the source of infection.UV lamps
The biosafety cabinet may be fitted with germicidal ultraviolet (UV) lamps in the work zone. UV can be a useful adjunct to surface cleaning procedures, but should not be seen as a replacement for good cleaning technique. Exposure to UV radiation may cause damage and sunburn. Ensure appropriate controls are in place to avoid exposure.
What general information should I consider when working with pipettes and controlling biological hazards?
Preventing injuries:
- Mechanical or electronic pipettors must be used for all pipetting tasks; never pipette by mouth.
- Because pipette tips can pierce a biohazard bag, they should be treated as sharps and disposed of in a sharps container.
Preventing aerosol production:
The action of pipetting can form aerosols:
- Pipette slowly, particularly when using pipettes for mixing, to avoid aspirating aerosol or liquid into the pipette body.
- Where aerosol transmission is a risk, carry out pipetting operations in a biosafety cabinet.
Preventing contamination:
- Filtered tips or filter plugs may be required to avoid sample cross-contamination.
- Avoid bringing the body of the pipette into contact with the vessel you're pipetting from.
- Spray or wipe the body of the pipette over with disinfectant after use and store it upright.
- If infectious liquids are aspirated into the pipettor, do not continue to use the unit. Disassemble the unit in a biosafety cabinet (wearing gloves) and decontaminate the components by soaking in disinfectant solution.
What are Standard Precautions and how do they assist in controlling biological hazards?
Standard Precautions’ are the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) adopted term to define appropriate work practices, based on modules of transmission of infectious agents. These precautions are based on the principle that all blood and body substances are potentially infectious. This principle is applied universally to all patients, regardless of their infectious status or perceived risk.
They include:
- hygienic practices, particularly washing and drying hands before and after patient contact;
- use of protective barriers when necessary, which may include gloves, gowns, plastic aprons, masks, eye shields or goggles;
- appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and other contaminated or clinical waste;
- use of aseptic technique; and
- use of environmental controls.
Where can I go for further information about Biological Hazard Management?
If you require further information, please contact the HSW Team.
Biological safety management - vaccinations
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide information and guidance to workers and supervisors on vaccinations. This information should be read in conjunction with the Biological Safety Management chapter of the HSW Handbook.
When are vaccinations required?
Vaccinations are required when the supervisors/person in control of the area/activity identifies there is a risk of occupational exposure to a vaccine-preventable disease when completing a risk assessment in accordance with the Hazard Management and Biological Safety chapters of the HSW handbook.
Where do I obtain information about the vaccinations for the various occupational groups?
The Australian Government Department of Health vaccination guidelines are contained in The digital Australian Immunisation Handbook. The handbook provides guidance on the vaccinations recommended for people at occupational risk.
What are the funding arrangements for vaccinations (including overseas travel)?
Where an occupational/study related vaccination is required, the School/Branch will provide staff/students with advice as to whether the vaccination will be funded by the School/Branch. Where approved, reimbursement arrangements are managed by the relevant School/Branch.
Does the University Health Practice provide vaccinations?
Yes, workers of the University of Adelaide can make online appointments for vaccinations.
Simply go to and proceed to make an appointment or phone 8313 5050. -
Can I refuse a vaccination where it has been identified that there is a significant occupational risk of acquiring a vaccine-preventable disease?
All workers have the choice to refuse vaccination on medical or personal grounds. However if workers are undertaking activities where vaccinations are required to reduce the level of risk from high to a lower level then Head of School/Branch approval will be required for that activity to continue. The Head of School/Branch may choose not to allow the activity to proceed, or prevent unvaccinated workers from participating in the interest of the health or safety of staff/students.
Where do I obtain further information on vaccinations?
If you require further information, please contact the HSW Team.
Biological safety management - working with animals
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide information and guidance to workers and supervisors when working with animals. The FAQs should be read in conjunction with the Biological Safety Management chapter of the HSW Handbook.
What are the legislative requirements when working with animals?
Animal work should comply with the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes; or the Veterinary Practice Act 2003 (SA) and Regulations 2017 (SA).
All work on infected animals should be carried out under the physical containment conditions equivalent to the risk group of the microorganisms present (refer to AS/NZS 2243.3: 2010 Safety in Laboratories Part 3 Microbiological safety and containment).
What hazards can I be exposed to when working with animals?
The hazards associated with handling animals can be loosely placed in three major categories:
- Physical injuries occur from manual handling, kicks, bites and scratches. Any injuries should be reported as soon as practicable to your supervisor. Medical advice may be needed if an infected animal inflicted the injury.
- Zoonotic diseases are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Animal tissues as well as live animals can potentially transmit zoonotic diseases.
- Allergic reactions associated with breathing or coming into contact with animal dander or body fluids or other allergens.
How can I prevent or lower the risks when working with animals?
Physical injuries can be prevented by using appropriate animal handling techniques such as those taught by qualified vets, Laboratory Animal Services or other proficient or competent individuals. When handling laboratory animals, gloves should be worn, adequate washing facilities should be provided and relevant immunisations is strongly recommended.
Whilst Standard Precautions (see question 6) come from the health profession, they can also help to prevent Zoonotic diseases. The principles include:
- hygienic practices, particularly washing and drying hands before and after animal contact;
- use of protective barriers when necessary, which may include gloves, gowns, plastic aprons, masks, eye shields or goggles;
- appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and other contaminated or clinical waste; and
- appropriate reprocessing of reusable equipment and instruments.
Allergic reactions can be controlled by reducing skin contact with animal products such as dander, serum and urine. Consider the use of gloves, lab coats, and/or approved particulate respirators with face shields.
These include not eating, drinking, or applying cosmetics or contact lenses around animals or animal care areas, wearing gloves when handling animals or their tissues, taking care not to accidentally rub the face with contaminated hands or gloves, and hand washing after each animal contact. -
What other information should I know when working with animals?
All post mortems on infected animals should be carried out under the physical containment conditions equivalent to the risk group of the microorganisms present. See AS/NZS 2242.3 2010 Safety in Laboratories Part 3 Microbiological safety and containment Section 6 for details).
During dissections and post-mortem examinations, gloves, aprons (preferably disposable) and safety glasses or goggles should be worn. It may be also necessary to consider respiratory protection.
Penetration of organisms through the skin, especially from accidental self-inoculation and contact with ecto-parasites such as fleas (that live on the outside of a host) are a relatively common source of exposure. Workers can protect themselves against accidental self-inoculation by, substituting manually operated pipettes for needles and syringes, allowing enough time to give injections properly, anaesthetising animals prior to inoculation with infectious agents, and using more than one person to inoculate animals.
In the event that a person becomes ill with a fever or some other sign of infection, it is important that they let their treating doctor know that they work with animals. Report the incident in accordance with the Incident Reporting and Investigation Handbook Chapter.
How do I manage the disposal of animal carcasses/tissue, sharps and other waste?
See HSW Handbook Chapter Biological Safety Management Appendix E Waste Disposal for information on the disposal of animal carcasses/tissue as well as sharps and other relevant waste.
What are Standard Precautions?
Standard Precautions are the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) adopted term to define appropriate work practices, based on modules of transmission of infectious agents. These precautions are based on the principle that all blood and body substances are potentially infectious. This principle is applied universally to all patients, regardless of their infectious status or perceived risk.
They include:
- hygienic practices, particularly washing and drying hands before and after patient contact;
- use of protective barriers when necessary, which may include gloves, gowns, plastic aprons, masks, eye shields or goggles;
- appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and other contaminated or clinical waste;
- use of aseptic technique; and
- use of environmental controls.
What if I need further information on working with animals and biological safety management?
If you require further information, please contact the HSW team.
Biological safety management - working with human research subjects and patients
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide information and guidance to workers and supervisors on biological issues when working with human research subjects and patients, and should be read in conjunction with the Biological Safety Management chapter of the HSW Handbook.
What are the basic biological issues when working with human research subjects and patients?
Workers may be at risk during the course of their duties and when interacting with human research subjects or patients, due to the possibility of infectious agents being present in the workplace.
Microorganisms are easily transferred by contact with unwashed hands, soiled equipment or contact with blood and other bodily substances. Workers should assume that all blood and other body substances are potential sources of infection. Contaminated skin penetrating equipment (sharps) can transmit these blood-borne viruses to workers who may accidentally pierce themselves. Unhygienic practices and procedures may also transmit other skin and mucous membrane infections e.g. herpes simplex virus and fungal infections such as ringworm or tinea, which are spread by direct skin contact or from contaminated surfaces.
How do I minimise the risk of infection when working with human research subjects and patients?
To minimise the risk of infection a control program should be implemented. An infection control program has the following components:
- Identification of hazards in accordance with the Hazard Management Handbook Chapter.
- Identify who is at risk and from what.
- Implement effective work practices and procedures including the use of Standard Precautions to minimise the risk (see Q3).
What are standard precautions when working with human research subjects and patients?
‘Standard Precautions’ are the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) adopted term to define appropriate work practices, based on modules of transmission of infectious agents. These precautions are based on the principle that all blood and body substances are potentially infectious. This principle is applied universally to all patients, regardless of their infectious status or perceived risk.
They include:
- hygienic practices, particularly washing and drying hands before and after patient contact;
- use of protective barriers when necessary, which may include gloves, gowns, plastic aprons, masks, eye shields or goggles;
- appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and other contaminated or clinical waste;
- use of aseptic technique; and
- use of environmental controls.
What personal hygiene is important when working with human research subjects and patients?
Hand washing
Why wash your hands?
Hand washing is generally considered to be the most important measure in preventing the spread of infection. Hand washing protects both the human research subjects, patients and workers/students.
When should hand washing be done?- Before and after contact with each human research subject or patient.
- Where multiple procedures are performed on a human research subject or patient, wash hands before and after each procedure.
- Before resuming a procedure if interrupted.
- Immediately prior to putting on disposable gloves.
- Immediately after removing disposable gloves for any reason.
- After touching the nose, mouth or handling a nasal tissue or handkerchief.
- Before and after eating or drinking.
- After going to the toilet.
- After contact with blood or other body fluids.
For how long?
- For routine hand washing, hands should be washed all over with soap for at least 10 to 15 seconds.
- Before commencing an aseptic procedure, hands should be should be washed all over with soap for at least 1 minute.
- Wet hands thoroughly preferably with warm running water and lather with a mild soap. A liquid soap is preferable, although bar soap can be used if kept dry and in good condition.
- Liquid soap dispensers also need to be maintained by regularly washing and drying all reusable parts. Soap helps remove grease, dirt and microorganisms. Warm water helps remove grease from hands. NOTE: An antimicrobial soap is not necessary for routine handwashing.
- Pay special attention to the backs of hands, wrists and spaces between fingers.
- Rinse hands thoroughly under running water.
- Thoroughly dry the hands on a single-use towel or in another way that is not likely to transfer microorganisms to the hands (e.g. hot air hand dryer). The dryness of hands and fingertips is related to the transfer of bacteria – that is, the drier the hands the less likely the hands are to transfer bacteria.
- Turn off the tap with the used towel if hands-free taps are not available.
- Alcohol-based hand rubs or gels offer a practical and acceptable alternative to hand washing and can be used provided hands are not dirty. The hand rub or gel must come into contact with all surfaces of the hand and the hands rubbed together until the solution has evaporated.
Using gloves
- Gloves must be worn when it is likely that hands will be contaminated with blood or other body fluids, or come into contact with mucous membranes.
- Single-use gloves are to be worn for skin penetration procedures. They act as a physical barrier to protect the wearer’s hands from contamination and to prevent the transfer of microorganisms.
- Single-use gloves are not sterile unless labelled as such and sealed.
- The use of single-use gloves does not substitute, or eliminate the need for hand washing. Hands must be washed thoroughly before putting on gloves and again following glove removal.
- Gloves must be removed and disposed of if the operator leaves the patient for any reason. Hands must be washed and new gloves must be put on before resuming the procedure, or before starting a new procedure on the same person to prevent cross contamination. Gloves must not be washed or re-used.
- Note that some people are allergic to latex gloves. If a worker develops a rash or skin condition it is recommended that they consult a medical practitioner. Single-use gloves are also available made of other materials, e.g. neoprene or nitrile.
What design features should the work area have when working with human research subjects and patients?
Work areas should:
- be well lit and well ventilated;
- have adequate storage space for processing equipment and materials;
- have sufficient bench space to ensure the separation of clean and dirty equipment;
- facilitate a workflow pattern to prevent recontamination of processed equipment;
- have equipment positioned and stored safely to minimise the risk of injury.
In the treatment and processing of biological materials all floors, floor coverings, walls, ceilings, shelves, fittings and other furniture should be constructed of materials suitable for the procedures undertaken and should be smooth, impermeable and easily cleaned.
It is important that flooring should be of a colour and type that allows for easy identification and removal of sharps should they be dropped. As a general rule carpets are not recommended, however, if carpet already exists in treatment areas where spillage of blood can be expected to be minimal it may be acceptable to protect carpeted areas with a smooth plastic mat immediately underneath the procedural area.
Sinks dedicated for the washing of hands should be supplied as close as possible to the area where the procedure is being undertaken. Hands may become contaminated if the sink being used is itself contaminated, for example, an instrument processing sink.
It is recommended that hand basins should be provided with hygiene taps that are elbow, wrist, knee, foot or sensor operated. In premises without these facilities, care should be taken to ensure taps and basins are kept clean. Avoid touching taps with gloved hands and use a disposable paper towel to turn taps off.
What are the considerations if using sharps when working with human research subjects and patients?
Sharps represent a major cause of biological hazard incidents involving potential exposure to blood-borne diseases.
- Workers must at all times handle sharps with care so as to minimise injury to themselves, to human research subjects and patients and to other persons in the workplace involved in the collection of discarded materials and refuse, e.g. into a sharps bin.
- The person who has used the sharp is responsible for its immediate safe disposal following use.
- A clearly labelled, puncture-resistant sharps container should be kept as close as possible to the area where sharps are used. Single-use needles, scalpel blades, razor blades, etc. should not be replaced into their original container or packaging.
- Needles should not be bent or broken or otherwise manipulated by hand.
- Sharp instruments should not be passed by hand between workers.
Where can I get information regarding biological emergency procedures, transportation and waste management when working with human research subjects and patients?
Please refer to the Biological Safety Management handbook chapter:
- Appendix C Emergencies
- Appendix D Transportation
- Appendix E Waste disposal
or contact the HSW team.
Other relevant FAQs:
- Chemical safety management - cryogenic substances
- Chemical safety management - emergency safety shower and eyewash testing
- Infectious and communicable diseases
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Eye protection
- Hand protection
- Head and face protection
- Hearing protection
- Protective clothing and footwear
- Respiratory protection
- Reproductive toxicity
Further information
Please contact the HSW Team.