Contractor Management

The contractor engagement webpage is intended for University of Adelaide staff looking for guidance on the engagement of contractors.

Prior to engaging a contractor, it is imperative to obtain the necessary information from the individual/entity to determine if it is appropriate to engage them as a true contractor, contingent worker (contractor with Superannuation entitlements) or an employee.

The contractor management process consists of two key stages:

  1. the upfront assessment of contractor engagements and,
  2. the subsequent payment of contractors via Finance or Payroll.

There are detailed FAQs in each of the contracting topic areas below that give further guidance related to people based overseas, sham contracting, former/current staff being engaged as contractors and various types of contracting engagements.

Contractor Assessment Form

The assessment form helps to determine the engagement type such as a contractor, contingent worker or an employee.

Contingent Worker Payment

Contingent Worker Payments will be made through Human Resources

Contractor Engagement FAQs

It is essential to obtain a Contractor Assessment to determine if its appropriate to engage a contractor.

View My Open Submissions

View recently submitted Contractor Assessment Forms, including those pending with you requesting for more information.

Sham Contracting

Sham contracting is when an employer misrepresents employment as an independent contracting arrangement.


Engaging overseas contractors

Need Help?

Support centre contact details Service Support
HR Service Centre
• General enquiries relating to HR recruitment, employment and contracting
• First point of contact for payroll enquiries
• First point of contact for changes of personal, banking, superannuation details
• Requisitions and purchasing for existing suppliers
• Queries regarding payments to suppliers and open purchase orders
Legal & Risk
• Advice on new contract arrangements and legal documents
HR Contractor Compliance and Payroll
• Specialist advice on contingent worker and contractor engagements
• Escalated support for payroll and payment enquiries
• Escalated support for superannuation and tax enquiries