AppoINT is a fully automated and integrated online system which simplifies the appointment of internal candidates.

The definition of an internal candidate is any continuing, fixed term or casual staff member, including contracts that have recently expired but not yet been terminated. For example, casuals can be appointed up to 30 days after their contract end date, as well as fixed term contracts that have ended but not formally terminated via CRAFT. Excludes senior appointments.


  • General information


    AppoINT uses an add-on module to the PeopleSoft HRMS to generate offers of employment to internal candidates. Online workflows have been mapped against the University’s delegation of authorities to enable all approvals to occur electronically. 

    46% of employment offers made are for existing staff highlighting a significant opportunity to utilise AppoINT to improve the experience for our existing staff, ensuring that they don’t have to take unnecessary steps when being offered a new position within the University, and have a clear streamlined process when seeking new opportunities internally. 

    Email notifications

    Email notifications will be sent at each step of the approval workflow. Additionally, email reminders will be sent every 3 days for any request pending action.

    Once the request has been approved, Human Resources (HR) will send the offer of employment to the staff member electronically for online acceptance via SSO. Following the acceptance of the offer, an acknowledgment email is sent to the staff member, the supervisor and the respective HR Operations officer, containing a copy of the Contract. 

    AppoINT access

    In order to access AppoINT, the HR Operations officer for your area will need to be a member of the relevant User List. The list is maintained by Human Resources.  If you are a HR Operations officer for your area and do not have access, please email the HR Service Centre.

    All other Contract Approvers are defined by the Vice-Chancellor and President's Delegations of Authority

    To discuss a request for additions or changes to the list of Contract Approvers in your area, please contact the HR Service Centre at 8313 1111, or complete the online enquiry form.

    Where can I get more help?

  • Roles and responsibilies

    The table below outlines the roles, associated positions, and responsibilities defined for AppoINT. 

    Role Associated position(s) Responsibilities
    Employment Offer Request Initiator Hiring Manager
    • Undertake workforce and capacity planning in consultation with your HR and Finance Managers before completing and submitting a Recruitment and Justification eForm providing details of the direct appointment request.  Review the Recruitment and Appointment Justification eform Guidelines (insert link) for assistance.

      The justification eform enters a robust approval workflow.  Upon receipt of this approved justification eform, the HR Operations team will contact the initiator for additional information required.

    Employment Offer System Initiator HR Operations Officer
    • Initiate contract for internal candidate in AppoINT 
    Employment Offer Approver Head of School
    Faculty Finance
    Executive Dean*
    HR Director*
    VC and COO *
    • Approve contract.
    • Decline contract.
    Contract Acceptor University of Adelaide Staff Member
    • Accept a contract.
    • Decline a contract.
    • Submit a Request for Information.
    User List Maintenance Human Resources
    • Hiring Coordinator user list updates.

    * Executive Dean's approval is required when one of the following occurs:

    • Agreed salary
    • Loading
    • Offer of Employment for Professor

    *COO for Professional staff, VC for Academic staff and HR Director approval is required when one of the following occurs:

    • Agreed salary in excess of 25%
    • Loading in excess of 25%
    • Offer of Employment for Professor

    Where VC and COO Approval is required, the relevant template must be completed and attached to the request.

  • Processing timelines

    The table below will assist you in planning your processes to ensure staff members do not have interruptions to pay or system access.

    *To ensure staff member receives payment on the payday of:

    **Process-ready contract requests must be approved through AppoINT by:

    Contract will be issued to staff member by:

    The contract must be accepted by the staff member by 6 am:



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    *Back-pay will be facilitated where applicable. 
    **Note that prior to the approvals, the requests will work flow to HR for a compliance check. Requests completed incorrectly will require follow-up, which will delay the contract issue and payment process.

    ***Impacted by early processing deadlines in the lead up to the end of year closedown period.

  • Forms and templates

    The following templates are used to support the AppoINT form when seeking Provost and COO approval:

  • User training sessions

    An eLearning module: Recruit and Renew is available for hiring coordinators to assist with AppoINT. Please see below guide to access this training. 

    How to access the Recruit and Renew online course.

    Complete the Interactive Guide - Recruit and Renew.

  • Guides for HR Operations officers and approvers

  • Guides for staff members

  • Induction for existing staff

    Induction for existing staff will now be managed through a word document checklist, see the existing staff induction process or visit the Induction website for further information.

  • Help

    Your local area HR Operations officer is the first point of contact if you require assistance with recruitment.

    System access issues will be handled by the IT Service Desk on 8313 3000.

    Need support or help troubleshooting in AppoINT? Contact the HR Service Centre via the online enquiry form or on 8313 1111. 

    For questions and support on the Induction process, visit the Induction website or contact Learning and Development.