Position Descriptions for Professional Staff
Position Descriptions outline a position/role in terms of objectives, responsibilities and outcomes, capabilities and behaviours, and knowledge and experience required to successfully perform the role.
The benefits of well-written, clear and concise Position Descriptions include:
- Achieve clarity in what is expected of that position/role;
- Assist in the measurement and monitoring of work performance;
- Ensure a sustainable workload;
- Positively promote the University/Faculty to external individuals (particularly job seekers);
- Assist in the preparation of Planning, Development & Review processes for current staff.
Supporting the Position Description is a Guide and Capability Dictionary that defines the capabilities and behaviours required in each position.
The Position Description Template and supporting resources are available below:
- Position Description Template (Word / Pdf)
- UoA Interim Position Description (Word / PDF)
- Template Guidance Notes
- Position Description Guide
- Capability Dictionary for Professional Staff and Senior Leaders