University Staff

University staff wanting to invite an individual as a visitor or sponsor on a temporary or permanent residence visa, the visas and eligibility criteria listed in this section are to be used to introduce basic information about potential Temporary and Permanent Residency visa options only.

Information on this page do not provide complete and in-depth assessment and recommendation on suitable visa will be determined by third party depending on the individual’s personal circumstances taking into consideration other eligibility criteria such as but not limited to health and character.



  • 400 Visa - Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist)

    Brief Description

    This visa is for people to come to Australia on a temporary basis for the purpose of:

    • Undertaking short-term, highly specialised, non-ongoing work
    • In limited circumstances, to participate in an activity or work relating to Australia’s interest
    • Duration of stay: Up to 3 months, though a stay of up to 6 months may be considered in limited circumstances

    More information about this visa can be found on the Department of Home Affairs’ website.

    Documents/Information required

    On submitting the documents to, please include the writeable version of the Visa Request Form as well as the copy signed and endorsed by the Head Please note that there are costs associated with sponsoring/hosting a visitor on this visa payable by the local area.

    Processing Time

    Please note that processing time varies due to individual circumstances. Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs’ website for standard processing time.


  • 407 Visa - Training

    Brief Description

    This visa is for people who want to come to Australia to complete a workplace-based training (to improve their skills for their current occupation, area of tertiary study or field of expertise), or undertake a professional development training program

    There are three types of occupational training (nomination eligibility types) covered by this visa:

    • Workplace-based training required for registration
    • Structured workplace-based training to enhance skills in an eligible occupation
    • Training that promotes capacity building overseas, which includes the following categories:
      • overseas qualification
      • government support
      • professional development

    Note: Workplace-based occupational training (not including professional development) must be for at least 30 hours a week, of which no more than 30 percent can be classroom-based.

    • This visa requires a nomination by the University
    • A nomination must be lodged (approved by the Department of Home Affairs) and referenced in the visa application.

    More information about this visa can be found on the Department of Home Affairs’ website.

    Documents/Information Required

    • Endorsed and approved Foreign Engagement Compliance Review (FECR)
    • Completed and Signed Visa Request Form
    • Training Plan Outline Sample Letter  
    • Nominee’s up-to-date resume/CV with publications list, grants, awards and details of qualifications
    • Copy of relevant qualifications
    • Passport biodata page of the nominee and accompanying family member(s) (if any)
    • Letter of support from nominee’s home institution/educational provider advising that the practical experience, research or observation is a requirement of the nominee’s course (if applicable)
    • Letter from relevant regulatory body naming the nominee and advising the training is necessary for that person to obtain mandatory registration to work in the identified occupation (if applicable)
    • Letter of funding support (if applicable)
    • Functional English Language
      • You must provide evidence that you have the functional English language skills  to undertake training
      • If the applicant holds a passport from the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand or Ireland and are a citizen of that country, they are not required to provide evidence.

    On submitting the documents to, please include the writeable version of the Visa Request Form as well as the copy signed and endorsed by the Head of School. Please note that there are costs associated with sponsoring/hosting a visitor on this visa payable by the faculty/school.

    Processing Time

    Please note that processing time varies due to individual circumstances. Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs’ website for standard processing time.

  • 408 Visa - Temporary Activity

    Brief Description

    This visa is for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to undertake one of the following activities:

    • Researcher (Skilled Academic) - participate or observe in an Australian research project at an Australian tertiary or research institution, usually in collaboration with other academics employed there.  To be eligible, the individual must:
      • Be or have been employed as an academic at an overseas tertiary or research institution
      • Have a record of significant achievement in their field
    • Academic Research Student – be invited to undertake an Australian research activity related to their field of study at an Australian tertiary or research institution. To be eligible as either research student or recent graduate, the individual must be:
      • A student of a foreign educational institution or have graduated within the last 12 months
      • Invited to undertake research related to their field of study

    If the individual has not yet graduated, they must be undertaking the research to meet their course requirements for their overseas qualification.

    Invited Participant - participate in a conference or give a short series of guest lectures where the intended stay is no more than 3 months.

    Duration of stay will align with the activities that have been approved to undertake on this visa.

    More information about this visa can be found on the Department of Home Affairs’ website.

    Documents/ Information required

    • Endorsed and approved Foreign Engagement Compliance Review (FECR)
    • Completed and signed Visa Request Form
    • Nominee’s up-to-date resume/CV with publications list, grants, awards and details of qualifications
    • When completing the visa request form it is crucial you supply extensive details regarding;
      • project details
      • the applicant’s role in the project including the extent of their involvement
      • how the proposed research will contribute to the nominee’s course requirements (students only)
      • how the nominee’s skills/knowledge will benefit the project etc.

    On submitting the documents to, please include, the writeable version of the Visa Request Form as well as the version with Head of School signature, for ease of preparation of invitation letter.

    Processing Time

    Please note that processing time varies due to individual circumstances. Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs’ website for standard processing time.


  • 482 Visa - Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS)

    Brief Description

    The TSS visa programme will be comprised of two occupation lists; a short-term stream of up to two (2) years and a medium-term stream of up to four (4) years.

    • If the occupation is on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), then the visa can be granted for a maximum period of four (4) years at any one time. A subsequent four (4) year visa can then be applied for as well as a pathway to permanent residency. Refer to the permanent residency requirements for further information regarding eligibility.
      • there is capacity for visa renewal onshore and a permanent residence pathway after three years under the medium-term stream
    • If the occupation is on the Short-term Occupation List (STSOL), then the visa can be granted for a maximum period of two (2) years at any one time, with the opportunity for one (1) subsequent renewal ONLY for a period of up to two (2) years. There is no longer a pathway to permanent residency for these occupations on the Short-Term List.
    • Applicants must have at least two (2) year’s work experience in their skilled occupation¹
    • Applicants will need to provide police clearances before their applications are finalised
    • The applicant must also meet the skill requirements, and any registration and licensing obligations for the nominated occupation.
    • The salary “base rate of pay” must be no less than the temporary skilled migration income threshold (TSMIT) currently AUD $70,000 (as at July 2023) and must be at market rates. This salary rate is subject to change at any time.

    Note: Determination of visa period or sponsorship of HEOs will need to be managed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the visa team. There are costs associated with sponsoring an individual on this visa payable by the faculty/school. More information about this visa can be found on the Department of Home Affairs’ website.

    Fractional Appointments

    The government provides limited exemption in relation to fractional appointments, and this provision is primarily intended to facilitate part-time work arrangements for highly skilled overseas workers in niche occupations that would be of benefit to Australia.

    The following provides an example of where this may apply:

    “Fractional appointments of overseas academics to Australian universities – for example, senior academics/leading international academic experts who continue to be primarily employed by their ‘home’ universities overseas, but who undertake fractional appointments to Australian institutions to undertake discrete or project-based activities for a defined period.” Or “existing TSS visa holders who are temporarily reducing their hours to return to work part-time following a period of parental leave and/or in other circumstances consistent with condition 8607 on their visa”.

    Please note: it remains a requirement for all TSS nomination applications that applicants are paid at a rate that is at least TSMIT ($53,900, excluding super, per year). As such, even where a person is to be working for the sponsor on a part-time basis only, they will need to receive earnings that will be at least equivalent to TSMIT over each 12-month period.

    Labour Market Testing

    • Each position requiring a visa nomination must have already been advertised domestically for a consecutive four week (30 day) period per the University’s Recruitment Procedure.
    • The nomination application must be lodged with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) within four months of the position first being advertised, if not the position must be re-advertised for a further four week (30 day) advertising period again per the University’s Recruitment Procedure.
    • As a minimum, two advertisements must have been placed. This requirement is adequately addressed by the University’s standard advertising approach (known as our “online job pack”) to present vacancies on the University of Adelaide job opportunities page and the Times Higher Ed Unijobs job board.
    • Applications from Australian citizens and permanent residents must be duly considered, and only if no candidate is appointable, then we may look to fill the position with international talent.

    These requirements apply to all positions at all levels, including those which would have previously been direct appointments under the recruitment procedure, aside from the exceptions listed below.

    Please refer to the Immigration & Mobility Team for visa renewals where Labour Market Testing was not previously carried out.

    ¹ applicants who are completing their PhD can count their study towards the two year’s work experience.

    International Trade Obligation Exemption

    LMT is not required where it would conflict with Australia's ITOs, in any of the following circumstances, and a list of the exemptions can be found on the​​​​​​ Department of Home Affairs’ website.

    Documents/ Information required

    • Nominee’s up-to-date resume/CV with publications list, grants, awards and details of qualifications
    • Passport biodata page of the nominee and accompanying family member(s) (if any)
    • Have competent English with completion of a language test in the three (3) years immediately before the date of application; or hold a passport from the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand or Republic of Ireland and be a citizen of that country; or for TRTS applicants have studied at least five (5) years of full-time study in a secondary and/or higher education institution where all instruction was completed in English.

    Note: The process is initiated from offer of employment and the PageUp recruitment system

    Skilling Australians Fund

    The Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) Levy came into effect 12 August 2018.

    The SAF Levy is payable by the University (it cannot be recovered from the individual) and is payable for sponsoring new TSS visa holders, as well as also being payable if we employ and nominate an existing TSS visa holder, even if their previous sponsor has paid the SAF levy.

    Please note the SAF levy will not be refundable if:

    • the corresponding visa application is refused
    • the nominee does not lodge their corresponding visa application
    • the nominee is granted the visa but decides not to take up their role
    • the worker is granted the visa for a period of 4 years, ceases their employment within that 4-year period (even within a day)

    Refer to fees and charges for costs associated with sponsoring and nominating an individual.

    Processing Time

    Please note that processing time varies due to individual circumstances. Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs’ website.

  • 186 Visa Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)

    Brief Description

    • Must be a full time employee (Continuing)


    • Full time fixed term employees must have 3 years remaining on the contract at the nomination stage and at least 2 years remaining on their current contract at the time the Permanent Resident (PR) Visa is granted
    • Part time employees are not eligible for PR sponsorship

    There are two streams available for the pathway to Permanent Residency:

    Direct Entry Scheme (DES)

    • Employees with less than three years employment with the University sponsored under the 457/TSS visas who are holding a Full-Time Continuing or Fixed-Term contract with at least 3 years remaining at the time of nomination will be eligible.

    Temporary Residence Transition Scheme (TRTS)

    • From March 2018 employees who have been employed full-time at the University of Adelaide sponsored on a 457 visa for the previous 3 years, holding a Continuing or Fixed-Term contract with at least 3 years remaining at the time of nomination lodgement will be eligible to transition to Permanent Residency under the TRTS pathway.
    • Must be nominated by the same sponsoring employer in the same occupation code as the 457 Visa

    Please note that sponsorship of HEOs will need to be managed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the visa team.  

    There are alternative visa pathways to Permanent Residency visa including the Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional Visa), more information available via this link.

    Like all visa’s, these are managed on an individual case-by-case basis, as assessed by the external provider.

    More information about this visa can be found on the Department of Home Affairs’ website.

    Documents/Information required

    • Permanent Residency Request Form 
    • Nominee’s up-to-date resume/CV with publications list, grants, awards and details of qualifications
    • Passport biodata page of the nominee and accompanying family member(s) (if any)
    • Have competent English with completion of a language test in the three (3) years immediately before the date of application; or hold a passport from the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand or Republic of Ireland and be a citizen of that country; or for TRTS applicants have studied at least five (5) years of full-time study in a secondary and/or higher education institution where all instruction was completed in English.
    • Where an Academic nominee has completed less than 2 years of employment, the following must be provided:

    Note: The process is initiated from offer of employment and the PageUp recruitment system

    Skilling Australians Fund Levy

    The Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) Levy applies to all Employer sponsored permanent residency visa nominations lodged by the University of Adelaide.

    The SAF Levy, will not be refundable if:

    • the corresponding visa application is refused
    • the nominee does not lodge their corresponding visa application
    • the nominee is granted the visa but decides not to take up their role
    • worker is granted the visa yet ceases their employment.

    Processing time

    Please note that processing time varies due to individual circumstances. Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs’ website.


Subsequent Temporary Application Charge

If the applicant is in Australia at the time of application, then they may be liable to pay an additional Subsequent Temporary Application Charge (STAC) if they previously applied for a specified temporary visa in Australia. Individual STAC fee applies to eligible applicants. Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs’ website for further information.

Foreign Engagement Compliance Review (FECR)

The Foreign Engagement Compliance Review is the University’s core mechanism for ensuring our international engagement is in line with Australia’s foreign compliance regimes, and the University’s interests these includes inviting overseas individual to visit the University and individual staff appointment with any foreign entity.  

Please initiate a FECR prior to submitting a visa request for your proposed visitor/appointee. Once you receive the notification from the Foreign Engagement Compliance Review system that your FECR request been fully endorsed, please notify the visa team to progress with your visa request.

Please visit the Foreign Compliance and Legal & Risk websites for more details.


Autonomous Sanctions Act