Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) is an Australian Government Statutory Agency responsible for promoting and improving gender equality in Australian workplaces. The Agency is also responsible for administering the Workplace Gender Equality Act. More information about the Agency and the Act can be found on the WGEA website.

The University of Adelaide lodged its annual public report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, and a copy of the report is available - University of Adelaide WGEA Report 2023-2024. You are able to access the University of Adelaide Executive Summary and our 2024 Gender Pay Gap Statement. Please note an Executive Summary and 2025 Gender Pay Gap Statement will be available in early 2025 following the current reporting period. University staff can access the current letter of compliance here.

As employees of the University of Adelaide you may make comments on the report to the Human Resources Service Centre in the first instance; or the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. Please refer to the Agency’s guidelines.

Report archive: