News: #academicintegrity
Commendation for 2024 Tracey Bretag Prize for Academic Integrity

Claudia Gottwald, Academic Integrity Skills Officer in the Student Academic Skills Team, has been shortlisted and commended in the 2024 Tracey Bretag Prize for Academic Integrity.
[Read more about Commendation for 2024 Tracey Bretag Prize for Academic Integrity]
Updated Academic Integrity Policy
On 22 July 2024, the new Academic Integrity Policy will come into effect. This means that any new Academic Integrity cases will be dealt with according to an updated process.
How contract cheating providers target students

A TEQSA sector alert has flagged changes in the behaviour of commercial academic cheating services that target students studying for an Australian higher education award. Reports received by TEQSA suggest operators of these services are being more aggressive and direct in their promotional activities and are more frequently targeting users of their service for blackmail or identity theft.
[Read more about How contract cheating providers target students]
Actionable Ideas for working with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the talk of the sector, and suggestions about how it could be used in learning, teaching and assessment abound. But how to take the leap and start translating ideas into action? We asked the Artificial Intelligence Community of Practice how they’ve been working with AI this semester.
[Read more about Actionable Ideas for working with Artificial Intelligence]
Supporting academic skill development through Cadmus

The transition to university and meeting the requirements of academic scholarship and the associated academic skill development, can prove to be daunting and overwhelming for students. Learn how the Cadmus online assessment platform supports academic skill development via in application referencing support tools.
[Read more about Supporting academic skill development through Cadmus]
New TEQSA resources for AI

TEQSA is continuing to work with the sector to strengthen cultures of academic integrity within higher education and to reduce the integrity risk posed by commercial academic cheating services.
Academic Integrity Awareness Week Roundup
Students showed off their knowledge of academic integrity (AI) during Awareness Week (18-22 Oct).
Cadmus - a new tool to support assessment design

Academic integrity is one of the key tenets of academic scholarship. Upholding the associated values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage requires educators to model these values and practices for students. To develop the fundamental skills associated with academic integrity, staff require awareness, resources and tools.
[Read more about Cadmus - a new tool to support assessment design]
Setting Academic Integrity expectations in your MyUni Course

Looking for targeted, interactive resources to help set expectations around assessments and integrity? We have a range of videos, explainers and activities available for download, along with tips and suggestions to incorporate academic integrity learning into your course.
[Read more about Setting Academic Integrity expectations in your MyUni Course ]
Spotlight on Academic Integrity

In 2020, the transition to online learning and assessment brought academic integrity into even sharper focus, and presented a number of challenges to preventing and detecting academic misconduct.