News: #thisishowIteach

This is how I teach

Mark Giancaspro

This month we spoke with Dr Mark Giancaspro, Senior Lecturer, Adelaide Law School, Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics. Mark has been teaching at the university for over ten years delivering a wide range of courses. Here Mark shares what he likes most about teaching law to our students and how he has taken his own experiences as a practising commercial lawyer into the classroom.

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This is how I teach

Amanda Able

This month we spoke with Amanda Able, Professor in Plant Science in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology. Amanda has been a member of the Adelaide College of Reviewers since 2016 and the Adelaide Education Academy since 2017. Here Amanda shares why she loves being a scientist and how her teaching prepares students for the future.

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This is how I teach

Paul McLiesh

This month we spoke with Paul McLiesh, Senior Lecturer in the Adelaide Nursing School, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Paul has been a member of the Adelaide Education Academy since 2017 and recently joined the Adelaide College of Reviewers. Here Paul shares his insights about preparing our nursing students for the real world and what he likes most about teaching in the field of nursing.

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This is how I teach

Jo Perry 3

This month we spoke to Ms Jo Perry from the Adelaide Nursing School.  Jo is one of three staff who will be joining the Adelaide Education Academy, Executive Committee, from May this year.  Here she explains how she teaches within our rapidly changing environment and uses gamification to engage her students. 

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This is how I teach

Dr Hong Cai

This month we spoke to Dr Hong Cai, Scholarly Teaching Fellow within the School of Social Sciences.  Hong teaches Chinese languages and linguistics to undergraduate students and translation theories and professional interpreting to MA students in the MAITTC program (Master of Arts [Interpretation, Translation and Transcultural Communication]).  In 2019 she was presented with a Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Teaching Excellence, and was nominated for a Citation with the Australian Awards for University Teaching in 2021. She spoke to us about her passion for fostering learners’ autonomy and promoting career readiness and leadership with her students. 

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This is how I teach

Professor Paul Babie

This month we spoke to Professor Paul Babie, Associate Dean of Law (International) and Director of the Research Unit for the Study of Society, Ethics, and Law, at the Adelaide Law School. 

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This is how I teach

Dr Anna Leonard

In this month's ‘This is how I teach’ we spoke to Dr Anna Leonard, a Lecturer at the Adelaide Medical School who is also an alumna of the University of Adelaide.

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