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6 things I learned from Atomic Habits

Am I too old to change?

[Read more about 6 things I learned from Atomic Habits]

Kung Fu Panda quotes for your HDR journey

I don’t know who needs to hear this but, YOU CAN DO IT. I think sometimes, we HDR students are too hard on ourselves – and I know it’s all with good intentions. We all took a little break during the weekend and let a friend’s school-age child pick a movie for the whole bunch of us to watch. We realized that Kung Fu Panda has a lot of relatable quotable quotes. Here were our favourites.

[Read more about Kung Fu Panda quotes for your HDR journey]

Rainy weather is not bad weather!

Rainy day.

Rainy days have been synonymous to melancholy and sadness, depression, being miserable, and just about anything that isn’t happy or positive. We sigh and huff when the weather app tells us that it’s going to rain. We groan in agony when it actually does.  

[Read more about Rainy weather is not bad weather!]

Preparing for an internship

People in an office.

There comes a time when one has to transition from student to intern whether that be for two weeks, a summer, or a semester. They're an inevitable part of student life, at least they seem to be lately, not just for work experience but also to get one’s foot in the door and to connect with industry players. 

[Read more about Preparing for an internship]

Illuminate Adelaide

Illuminate Adelaide

[Read more about Illuminate Adelaide]

Hiding behind IDK

Woman shrugging.

Why do we say “I don’t know” after spilling our hearts out?

[Read more about Hiding behind IDK]

Confessions of a (former) shopaholic

A woman, shown from the back, holding coloured shopping backs by the handle.

Consumerism is a greedy can become an addiction. 

[Read more about Confessions of a (former) shopaholic]

Overcoming stage fright

A person giving a talk.

To some, speaking in a room full of people is second nature but for others like me, it may be something that we have to get used to.

[Read more about Overcoming stage fright ]

The therapy stigma

A man lies on a therapist chair. The therapist sits facing him.

I've been putting off talking to someone due to negative stigma.

[Read more about The therapy stigma ]

Melancholy mix

It’s okay to feel sad. I blame the weather. This past week has really brought on the winter feels. Usually I’m excited about winter – there’s the annual Southern Right Whale migration, fire pit evenings, and the chance to retreat into our homes and bit and slow things down. However, this year it feels different. There’s a hurried and nervous vibration in the air and it’s all because I am nearing the end of my candidature. So very near indeed, but it feels so far away still – there is so much to do.

[Read more about Melancholy mix]