Rating the different types of rain

I'm sitting at home and it's raining outside. So I decided to write a reflection on the different types of rain. *Note: this is not scientific.

Here are my ratings:  

Heavy rain: 7/10. Very cosy and thrilling. Doesn't happen that often. Loses points for being extremely inconvenient when you are caught in the rain. I have been drenched in the past. Also loses a point for causing our ceiling to leak last night. Bit of a liability.  

Drizzle: 5/10. Bad for hair. Good for making rainbows.  

Spitting rain: 3/10. Annoying. Not enough rain to use an umbrella but still enough to be irritating. Good for the plants I guess. 

Windy rain that comes in sideways: 1/10. The absolute worst. This rain is inescapable and miserable.  

That rain where it's just a few really heavy droplets: 6/10. Weird and confusing. It makes me laugh when everyone puts their hands out and looks up at the sky to see if it's really raining or if they imagined it. 

Thunderstorm: 5/10. Wins points for excitement, loses points for storm damage, striking people with lightning and making my dog anxious. 

Hail: 2/10. Sneaky. Seems like rain but is actually little rocks coming from the sky. 

Summer rain: 10/10. Summer rain is always a huge relief. It's the best of both worlds because you get to have rain but not be cold. Nice earthy smell. Great for dancing in or going for a magical swim. 

So there you have it! Summer rain is a clear winner. Go dance in the rain! 

Tagged in rain, What messes with your head