Socials for instant happiness

Ever feel exhausted from social media? That all there is to see is bad news, debates, questions on what you can and can’t do anymore, influencers traveling, or making you feel a bit self-conscious and/or even jealous.

These things are, in ways, important for us to see and help us come back down to earth through remembering what we have and don’t. It’s a form of self-realisation. But sometimes that’s tiring and gets a little bit too much. To balance all this out, I love to follow Instagram pages that make me feel good, make me laugh or feel nostalgic and get away from the outside world. So if you’re gonna be scrolling, you might as well follow the accounts worth following. Some of these pages can go from throwback posts of things we loved from our childhood, or clips from old movies, travel, poetry, self-care, and really satisfying photography! Here are just a few of the Instagram pages that make me feel happy and content. Maybe you should follow to feel the same!


1. @Kalei Raher

Kalei Raher is one of my favourites. Based in Honolulu, she creates these beautifully edited photos with gorgeous, tropical, summery, Hawaiian vibes, and includes little quotes. These posts have also been made into merchandise you can find in the link of her bio.

2. @All on the Board

Ian Redpath and Jeremy Chopra started this page as an anonymous pair who write inspiring quotes of their own creation on boards and leave them in underground train stations for anyone heading into work in the morning or coming home from a busy day. Now they’ve revealed their true selves and continue to write and leave a smile on people’s faces, reminding them that they’re doing great.  

3. @Lulumoonowlbooks

I love books! And I love looking at books and being in libraries and bookshops! I could be in those places forever. Lulumoonowlbooks (or Luna Owl) is the most satisfyingly magical page with a dark academia/autumn vibe, filled with pictures of libraries and book shops around the world with aesthetically pleasing room set ups. Lulu also does digital bookish edits incorporating some of your favourite Disney characters enjoying books.

4. @Mike Dooley (Notes from the Universe)

Mike Dooley is the creator of Notes from the Universe, which began in 1998 as emails addressed to 38 people. Now with over 1,000,000 in 185 countries, these notes are little passages written by “the Universe” personally addressed to you and your personal goals and dreams, to inspire you and remind you that you are in control of your fate. His Instagram page includes these notes from the universe with his own personal messages on different and important topics. Sign up to get these emails too, they’ll make you smile.

5. @2000s Journals

Throwbacks are so important to Millennials, Cuspers (people born in that weird time where they grew up with both millennial and gen z people, shows and technology) and Gen Z’s. 2000's journals post things about TV & Pop Culture including Disney Channel shows, movies, music. These are all things that shaped us and our confusing but funny personalities.  There are so many different nostalgia pages to follow like @90s.dios and @2000schildhoodtweets, as well as for more old fashion vibes, @vintagedaily, gives you your fix of clips from classic Marilyn Monroe movies and more.


6. @Humans of New York

Humans of New York was created by Brandon Stanton, a photoblog about the people he meets on the streets of the Big Apple! These stories are amazing and at times unbelievable. They’ll make you laugh, cry and feel all the emotions for these inspiring randoms.  

7. @Dean Schneider

Dean is a cute Swiss boy who lives in Africa and raises and looks after lions, hyenas and cheetahs! His videos and personality are always so positive and filled with his love for the beautiful creatures he absolutely adores and who adore him just as much. His mission is to bring animals into people’s hearts and he has succeeded. I also have a secret crush on him.

8. @Nature

Any nature page is incredible. And since we can’t really travel the world and its wonders at the moment, the only thing we can really do is see it on our screens which is still beautiful.

9. @Postcards by Hannah

Hannah is an Instagram travel blogger and her photos make you feel like you’re there!

10. @John Cena

I’m just throwing him in this list because he posts the most random crap with absolutely no context and it always makes me chuckle.

Tagged in What messes with your head, social media, Student life, Student health, mental health, Wellbeing, health, health and wellbeing, happiness