Have I taken on too much recently?

This year has been the biggest and busiest year of my entire life. I have honestly never had so much going on at once, and I'm scared that maybe I've taken on more than I initially thought I could handle.
January this year, I discovered a program called Career Trackers which I've talked about in previous blog posts, and decided to sign up for it. Career Trackers assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in obtaining a paid internship during winter (optional) and summer break in an area of their interest. For me, that was anything to do with film and media. I got an internship as a Brand Experience Assistant for Scentre Group, a company that runs all the Westfield centres in Australia and worldwide. It was an incredible experience and being able to physically put my knowledge from uni into practice and actually create was something that I never even knew I needed. I'm definitely more of a hands-on learner. After the first internship, I was offered a casual role in exactly the same position so now I'm there two days a week.
In the second semester, I took on the Media Industry Transitions course where you can choose whether to do a placement or a research project. So I thought, what an incredible opportunity to do another placement. I was right. In the first few weeks of the course, you have to organize your own placement, do your research and write a cold email, get straight to the point of who you are, what the course is about, what you can offer, and what you want from the company. After a few nicely written rejections, I finally found a place that ended up being perfect for me. A script-writing company called Word Ninjas who are based in the Adelaide Film Studios. There are only two people in the company, an older couple, but it has been a great experience working with them. They are fun and funny and full of incredible TV series and film ideas that I have had the pleasure and opportunity to work on with them plus help put things together. All the while, I have been able to work on my own scripts and receive free tools and feedback from them. This is the somewhere and the something I can see myself doing in the future. Although this is only for the semester, this is also two days a week.
In the beginning, I thought I could handle it because they are all very small things. But I've now realised that it is a lot to handle while also trying to balance a social life, family and a potential relationship that seems to be going on for me at the moment. Having four days in my week working, I have hardly had time for uni. The one day on campus is on Thursday and I can hardly go to that because I spend that time catching up. On top of that, I also work at Country Road some weekends. I tried to take up pilates but sacrificed the hour to study. So, yeah... it's a lot. And the problem is, I really enjoy everything I do and I love the people I work with. I think dropping Country Road is a good idea. Even though I love working there and my uni placement will eventually end, I have been enjoying working through the week and really enjoying the weekends.
Sometimes I wish I could just go back to my old life where I slept in every day and did the things I wanted. But in the end, I wish I could do everything and I'm truly grateful for all of these opportunities that have helped me learn, discover myself and what I want, helped me gain confidence and distract me from my personal issues that have ultimately made me a happier and more productive person. Even so, I honestly am feeling the stress. It's hard to come home from a full day of working and then have to work more, along with my house being renovated and family stress. I either have to learn how to balance them all better or just make a decision for myself. Just not too sure what that is yet although I know what I need one job, study, and the important things like my potential relationship, friends and family. It doesn't seem that hard.
If you are feeling the same stress, like you've got too much going on that's maybe getting in the way of your youth, take the time to write it all out like I just did, like you're speaking to someone, or actually, speak to someone in-person. This will help you figure out what you really need and what's really important. Try not to overwork and overwhelm yourself no matter your age. Life is still ahead and we should be making the most of it with the important things.