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Things that made me happy

A pile of smiley stress balls

In true second semester fashion, academia has begun to wear me out even though were only in only week 3.

[Read more about Things that made me happy ]

Prepping for spring


[Read more about Prepping for spring]

Are you okay?

Two people talking to each other.

How do you respond when the answer is “no”?

[Read more about Are you okay?]

Of flights and fun facts

A crow perched on a rock.

If you’re in your first year, chances are you’re going to have to go around the room and introduce yourself.

[Read more about Of flights and fun facts]

Brunch club

blogpic - pixabay - french toast

I don’t know about you, but I have this tendency of going into a kind of hibernation during winter. It’s not a hibernation where I spend the winter sleeping (I wish) but instead a kind of unconscious retreating. In the past I’ve noticed that this period is spent doing more deep thinking and reflective work. Maybe it’s the longer nights and the chilly weather which controls this. 

[Read more about Brunch club]

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