News: Exams

Speedy exam study tips

Person writing down notes on some papers.

So, we’re down to exams kicking off…

[Read more about Speedy exam study tips]

Caught by surprise

Girl sitting on a pink suitcase in an airport

As someone that insists on doing everything according to my to-do list, a family emergency definitely wasn't what I had planned for in the middle of exam season.

[Read more about Caught by surprise]

How to reward yourself after exams

Young adult man throwing papers into the air

Need some motivation during the exam season? Well, maybe these ideas can give you something to look forward to once you're done and dusted for the semester.

[Read more about How to reward yourself after exams]

Should we be stressing for finals?

A woman feeling stressed

I know exams = stress but does it have to really be that way?

[Read more about Should we be stressing for finals?]

Are study groups for me?

A group of students studying together

If you had asked first-year me, she would’ve said no.

[Read more about Are study groups for me?]

Taking care of yourself this exam season

A group huddled together in a field watching the sunset.

With June a.k.a. finals season right around the corner, exam preparations and final assignment deadlines begin to consume our every being. 

[Read more about Taking care of yourself this exam season]

Experiencing Wayville

Rows of tables and chairs in exam hall

This semester was the first time I’ve ever sat for my exams in Wayville.

[Read more about Experiencing Wayville]

This is a reminder...

Girl sitting crossed legged and breathing in a relaxed way

For all of you working hard to hand in your last assignments, and studying tirelessly for your last exams, this is a reminder for you to take a breather. 

[Read more about This is a reminder... ]

What a hectic week!

tiger drawing

My gosh, what a hectic week it’s been. Nothing crazy happened in particular but this week has felt like a vortex that kept pulling me in deeper and deeper into the void before I can even finish spelling ‘study schedule’.

[Read more about What a hectic week!]

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