Human Resources Managers

For frontline HR queries, please contact the HR Service Centre on 8313 1111.

To contact your allocated HR Manager, please refer to details in the table below.


Office of Vice-Chancellor & President

Natalie Bressington - 8313 2300
HR Manager

Arts, Business, Law and Economics (ABLE)
Sharon Etherington - 8313 1795
HR Manager

Division of External Engagement
Natalie Bressington - 8313 2300
HR Manager

Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET)
Nick Mazzer -  8313 3253
HR Manager

Division of Academic and Student Engagement
Simon Clifton - 8313 9935
HR Manager

Health and Medical Sciences (HMS)
Jo-Ann Spry - 8313 4257
HR Manager

Division of Research and Innovation    

Simon Clifton - 8313 9935
HR Manager


Division of University Operations
Natalie Bressington - 8313 2300
HR Manager

Matthew Piantadosi - 8313 5270
HR Manager - Contact for HR Branch



Manager, HR Partnering & Advisory

Bryanne Smith - 8313 5339