Radiation Safety Management Procedure
Roles, responsibilities and actions
HSW online information
Frequently asked questions
- Reproductive toxicity
- Emergency safety shower and eyewash maintenance
- Hazard management - safe operating procedures
- General radiation information
Tools, forms and templates
- Chemical and radiation permits and exemptions
- Guide on exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR)
- Radiation contacts
- Radiation worker registration form
- Radiation waste label for yellow buckets
- Emergencies and accidents (appendix G) (Word Doc/PDF)
- Radiation incident investigation form (appendix H) (Word Doc/PDF)
Legislation and guidelines
- Radiation - EPA South Australia
- Radiation Protection and Control Act 2021
- Radiation Protection and Control (Ionising Radiation) Regulations 2022
- Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)
- Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA)
Further information
- Please contact the HSW team