Emergency Management
For emergencies where there is immediate danger and police, fire or ambulance is required call 000. Then call University Security on 8313 5444
Please note: the University Emergency Management framework is under review/update. Relevant information pertinent to the role and operation of the warden network (including chief wardens) has been extracted from the HSW Emergency Management Procedure and consolidated in the Warden Network Procedure.
Roles, responsibilities and actions
HSW online information
Frequently asked questions
Tools, forms and templates
- Summary of Emergency Management Roles (Word Doc)
- Emergency Colour Chart - EWIS (Word Doc)
- Emergency Colour Chart - Single Fire Alarm (Word Doc)
- Infrastructure branch tools
Legislation and guidelines
- AS 3745 - Planning for emergencies in facilities (accessible through Techstreet Enterprise)
- AS 1851 - Maintenance of fire protection systems and equipment (Table 19.4.2) Emergency Evacuation Procedures (accessible through Techstreet Enterprise)
- SafeWork SA
- Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)
- Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA)