New travel advice for 2020
The University has an amended position on international travel as a direct response to the evolving global situation and takes into account the latest advice from Government and health authorities.
Any staff or students intending to travel should refer to the University's Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) FAQ page for the latest advice.
A consistent approach to travel for the remainder of 2020 will be adopted across the whole University. Domestic and international travel will only occur where it is considered critical and requires approval of an Executive Dean or Division Head.
To support this approach, the following approval processes are in place:
- International travel: use existing international travel requisition (in Fraedom) together with the High Risk Travel Request Form. Once approved, the booking will be made by the FCM travel team.
- Interstate travel by air: traveller (delegate or travel arranger) to submit travel plans via an online request form. This will be available in the Travel Hub from Monday and once approved, the booking will be made by the FCM travel team (not by the traveller in SAVI).
- Other interstate travel (e.g. by car): traveller (delegate or travel arranger) to email relevant Executive Dean or Division Head for approval, prior to making any travel bookings.
- Travel within South Australia: Approval authorisation within South Australia is by the line Manager/Supervisor. Please refer to the Travel webpage for more details
In all instances, an explanation must be provided as to why the travel is considered critical. FCM should be utilised for all travel bookings and appropriate record keeping is especially important during this time.
Further information:
Please direct questions to the Expense Management Team