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It's time to recalibrate

We are pleased to advise UniSuper have teamed up with SuperFriend to present a three part webcast series.
The first session will be held on Wednesday March 10th at 12:00pm(AEDT).
Revised online information session - Manual handling

The manual handling online information session has been revised and uploaded to the HSW website.
[Read more about Revised online information session - Manual handling]
Health tip - heart health

Heart disease is Australia’s leading single cause of death, with 18,590 deaths attributed to heart disease in Australia in 2017.
HR Service Centre is closed on 9 February 2021 from 12.30pm

Please note that the HR Service Centre will be closed from 12.30pm today and will re-open at 8.30am on Wednesday, 10 February 2021.
[Read more about HR Service Centre is closed on 9 February 2021 from 12.30pm]
Dry ice handling and storage
A worker has been seriously injured following an incident where a sealed glass bottle containing dry ice has exploded.
Transition to GHS 7 webinar
Safe Work Australia has published a new webinar to help businesses navigate the transition to GHS 7.