First Nations Webcast - Your Financial Wellbeing
The recent celebration of NAIDOC week was an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate the rich history, diverse cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the oldest continuing cultures on the planet.
To celebrate UniSuper are launching a webcast titled ‘Your financial wellbeing’ to empower our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members with financial knowledge.
The national webcast will run on Wednesday, 11 August. Members and their community are invited to register here.
We also commissioned artwork by Rickiesha Deegan to recognise this year’s theme of NAIDOC week, ‘Heal Country’. Rickiesha is a proud Kariyarra and Nyikina woman from Port Hedland, a small regional town in the Pilbara, currently living on Whadjuk Noongar country in Perth, Western Australia.

Here’s what Rickiesha says about her artwork - Heal Country:
Our country, our land, our home. We come from this land and will return to this land. It is part of our being. This artwork represents the healing nature of our country for our people, and the symbiotic relationship that we share. The yellow lines represent the energy flowing through the land and then back into our communities (the circles above) strengthening us to continue to nurture and give back. When we heal our country, we heal a nation.
Again, we would welcome your registration for the national webcast that will run on Wednesday, 11 August. Members and their community are invited to register here.