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LPG bottle labelling
From 17 September 2021 most portable Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) bottles will need to be labelled with a warning about the danger of concentrated inhalation.
HSW Handbook chapter update - HSR and HSW Consultation
The new Health and Safety Representative and HSW Consultation Chapter of the University of Adelaide’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Handbook has been updated and uploaded to the HSW website.
[Read more about HSW Handbook chapter update - HSR and HSW Consultation]
Free CPR training with St John

St John Ambulance SA has been awarded a grant from Masonic Charities SA & NT to train 6,000 people over three years in lifesaving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Retirement considerations
Like any chapter in your life, preparation can go a long way to ensure you're emotionally and financially ready for the road ahead. But where do you start when it comes to retiring?
Financial wellbeing

Are you keen to learn the ins and outs of investing? Or would you like to better manage debt and feel less anxious about money?
Real talk

headspace, in partnership with Universities Australia, is hosting a short, practical workshop on how to talk about mental health with people at work and in your personal life.
A female focus on finance

Research shows that women face unique challenges when it comes to money and saving for retirement. It’s a complex issue, impacted by the number of women in part-time work, and taking time out of the workforce to care for children and family.
The basics of investing your super

It’s more important than ever to understand how your super is invested. But where to start?
One month to go!

October is National Safe Work Month—a time to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace.