Working With Children Checks (WWCC)

Woman tutoring child

Making our campuses safe spaces for everyone in the University community is an ongoing responsibility all of us share.

Prescribed positions at The University of Adelaide

It is a condition of employment with the University that a staff member in a prescribed position holds and maintains a currently valid WWCC issued by the Central Assessment Unit of the South Australian Department of Human Services in accordance with the Act and the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Regulations 2019 (SA).

The Check must be maintained at all times during their employment in a prescribed position unless they fall within an exemption under the Act. Unless an exemption applies, a person cannot be permitted to work in a prescribed position if they do not hold a valid WWCC. Noting that substantial financial penalties apply to individuals and organisations for non-compliance.

An interstate WWCC equivalent is not acceptable.


Your ongoing responsibility while working in a prescribed position

It is your responsibility to apply for a new WWCC and be cleared to work in a prescribed position before your existing WWCC expires and to record the renewal in SSO.


A Supervisor’s responsibility

Ensure that any person appointed to a prescribed position obtains a WWCC and that the HR Branch has confirmed the WWCC is valid before work is commenced in the prescribed position or that an exemption has been granted.

When engaging casual staff on a new contract, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to notify the preferred candidate(s) that employment is conditional on providing a valid WWCC. 

It is a supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that a risk assessment has been conducted to identify if any new or current position is required to work with children or other vulnerable people.


A reminder to:

WWCC records for staff are maintained within the HR system and should not be maintained locally;

Volunteers, contractors and students who work or will work with children or young people under 18 years should be advised to contact the program coordinator or supervisor for advice and information on obtaining a WWCC.


Staff members living and working in a state or territory other than South Australia or domiciled overseas:

It is a condition of employment with the University that the Staff Member complies with any screening requirements applicable in the state, territory or country in which they live or work as directed by the University.


Further information:

Please visit the HR WWCCs website or contact Quality and Compliance Team via email: .

If you have any questions about your responsibilities under the Act please contact the HR Service Centre.

Please visit the screening unit website at to request a WWCC.

Email:; Phone: 1300 321 592

Tagged in HR, safety