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Life after study

A study desk

University can be such an uncertain time with ups and downs that it creeps up on you when it is coming to an end. It has got me thinking about my experience at university and life after study...

[Read more about Life after study]

Making choices for the future

Two paths diverge on a forest track, with yellow signs, one pointing left saying 'that way' and the one right saying 'this way'

When choosing between opportunities, I have been finding it hard to accept either answer out of fear it is the wrong one.

[Read more about Making choices for the future]

Serotonin from dumplings

dumplings on a plate

Food has such a powerful impact on my mood. Once I’ve eaten some good dumplings, I feel happy, safe and ready to take on the world.

[Read more about Serotonin from dumplings]

This is a reminder...

Girl sitting crossed legged and breathing in a relaxed way

For all of you working hard to hand in your last assignments, and studying tirelessly for your last exams, this is a reminder for you to take a breather. 

[Read more about This is a reminder... ]

Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas

Red Christmas tree decorations

We’re in the 11th month of the year! Not long until the Christmas holidays now. Every year I promise myself that I’ll be more organised and not let myself get sucked into stressing too much about presents and gifts.

[Read more about Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas]

I’m not good at sleeping

kangaroo sleeping image - links to sleep better page

I’m really feeling the brunt of poor sleep, and I want to put in more effort. Continue reading for my reflections on my sleep patterns.

[Read more about I’m not good at sleeping]

Physical (season 1): review

After a long recovery from finishing the last season of How I Met Your Mother and deciding not to watch it all over again, mum and I settled on a new Apple TV show called Physical (2021). 

[Read more about Physical (season 1): review]

Setting fitness goals

weights and sneakers

I am finding that simple fitness goals help me stay motivated and keep on track.

[Read more about Setting fitness goals]

Salty sips & mangoes

water scene at sunset - image

Summer is something so exciting to look forward to – there’s the holiday season, swimming, ice cream and warmth. Continue reading for my thoughts on summer.

[Read more about Salty sips & mangoes]

Paying rent on time

A small wooden house, three stacks of coins and an alarm clock.

One of the things that I have found it hardest to adjust to when living independently is paying bills by myself.

[Read more about Paying rent on time]