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Real talk

Real talk

headspace, in partnership with Universities Australia, is hosting a short, practical workshop on how to talk about mental health with people at work and in your personal life.

[Read more about Real talk]

A female focus on finance

UniSuper Female Focus on Finance

Research shows that women face unique challenges when it comes to money and saving for retirement. It’s a complex issue, impacted by the number of women in part-time work, and taking time out of the workforce to care for children and family.

[Read more about A female focus on finance]

The basics of investing your super

the basics of investing your superannuation

It’s more important than ever to understand how your super is invested. But where to start?

[Read more about The basics of investing your super]

One month to go!

Safe work month

October is National Safe Work Month—a time to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace.

[Read more about One month to go!]

Coffee and chat with a psychologist

looking after yourself

The Human Resources Wellbeing Program, in conjunction with Human Psychology, have organised for Leah Frost to visit:

[Read more about Coffee and chat with a psychologist]

It's time to recalibrate

UniSuper Wellbeing

As we continue to grapple with uncertainty and change, we invite you to join UniSuper and SuperFriend, UniSuper’s mental health partner, for the last in a series of live webcasts focussed on your mental and physical wellbeing.

[Read more about It's time to recalibrate]

University Awards for Outstanding Achievement

University Award Recipients

The University Awards are designed to celebrate the diverse and exceptional successes of University staff and titleholders.

[Read more about University Awards for Outstanding Achievement]

Defined Benefit Division explained

Whether you’re new to UniSuper, or you’ve been a member for a little while – you probably have questions about the Defined Benefit Division (DBD). It’s a complex product - so where do you start?  Our DBD explained webcast will help.

[Read more about Defined Benefit Division explained]

Super fundamentals

We know our super is set aside for the future, but it needn’t stay out of mind until then.

[Read more about Super fundamentals]

Human Resources staff wellbeing program


Wellbeing is the ability to feel good and function effectively in all aspects of our lives. Human Resources have a number of resources and events available free to all fixed term, casual and continuing staff for the remainder of 2021.

[Read more about Human Resources staff wellbeing program]