Elevating work platforms – SafeWork SA

This Safe Work Month, SafeWork SA are raising awareness on managing the risks associated with Elevating Work Platforms (EWPs). Three information sheets have been created to assist workers operating this machinery.

Safe operation of elevating work platform

The safe operation of EWPs information sheet covers a range of safety requirements including:

  • selecting the appropriate equipment for the task
  • pre-operational checks
  • positioning and stability
  • use of safety harnesses
  • working in public places.

Crush risks 

Our new crush risks information sheet covers the important elements of:

  • identifying hazards and controlling the risks associated with EWPs
  • operator protective devices
  • when and how to use support personnel.

Minimum standard of training 

We have developed a minimum standard of training resource for workers who operate EWPs which details:

  • the specific criteria that training must address
  • the use of emergency descent controls
  • worker’s duties
  • guidance and supervision.

Download copies of all three information sheets and find more resources from the Elevating work platforms page on the SafeWork SA website.

Tagged in HSW, SafeWork SA