Planning, Development & Review (PDR)
Planning, Development and Review provides a framework for staff to set performance objectives which are meaningful in their current role, contribute to career goals, and align to the University's strategic direction. PDR should also encompass development planning that will assist in achieving these objectives, and allow for a review of performance outcomes between staff and people leaders.
All staff members on continuing or fixed term contracts are expected to participate in PDR. There should be three PDR meetings each year which are documented after each meeting. The focus of PDR is on engagement in honest and open conversations.
PDR cycle
PDR Stages Conversation Outline Staff Services Online (SSO) Confirmation Deadline For academic staff, the Individual Academic Profile (IAP) is used to support PDR conversations and is available in February and July Final Review for 2024 - Review achievement of work and development objectives against measures
- Two-way feedback
- Complete PDR Conversation Record
20 December 2024
Objective Setting 2025 - Establish and agree SMART work objectives
- Agree development objectives
- Two-way feedback
- Complete PDR Conversation Record
11 April 2025
Mid Term Review 2025 - Review progress against work and development objectives
- Identify any blockages/issues
- Two-way feedback
- Supervisor provides coaching and guidance
- Complete PDR Conversation Record
2 June 2025 to
1 August 2025Final Review for 2025 - Review achievement of work and development objectives against measures
- Two-way feedback
- Complete PDR Conversation Record
20 October 2025 to
19 December 2025Parts of the University undertake operational and business planning at different times of the year. If it is necessary for individual PDR planning to take place at an alternative time, please consult with your Executive Dean/Director.
It is an option to use the Final Review meeting to also set objectives for the next year, however it must be recorded in Staff Services Online (SSO) as two separate meetings, an Objective Setting meeting and a Final Review meeting. If combining Final Review and Objective Setting the due date for Objective Setting is Friday 14 February 2025. -
Recording PDR
PDR Form
Use the relevant PDR Conversation Record to document your PDR conversations:
- PDR Conversation Record – Academic Staff
- PDR Conversation Record – Professional Staff
Using SSO to record your participation in PDR
Confirm your completion of PDR through Staff Services Online as per the timeline above.
- Quick reference guide - Uploading your PDR to SSO
- Quick reference guide - Changing PDR Supervisor in SSO
Support resources
Objective Setting Resources
- Objective Setting Tools
- PDR Preparation Template for Objective Setting
- Work Example Objectives - Staff
- Work Example Objectives - People Leaders
- Learning and Development Tools
Mid-Year and Final Review Resources
For Staff
For People Leaders
- PDR Preparation Template for Mid-term and Final Review
(refer to pages 3 and 4)
These support resources have been designed and developed by Veronica Lee of HRM Matters and Human Capital International (as indicated). Numerous sources were utilised in the research and development. The intellectual property of authors has been respected by fully researching and referencing the original source where it has been available. There materials are provided solely for the use of employees while employed by the University of Adelaide and have been provided with the permission of HRM Matters and HCI.
Academic Staff
Both the Adelaide Academic Role Statements and Individual Academic Profiles (IAPs) are used as inputs to PDR. View the pdf document which shows how they fit with PDR (view the pdf).
Learning and Development offers online PDR training modules for staff and supervisors throughout the year that covers:
- Three online modules that cover the benefits of PDR, PDR in Practice and Preparing for Objective Setting.
For further information about access to the online modules please visit: PDR Learning Program
Policy and Procedure
PDR Forms, Templates, Information Sheets, Policies and Procedures can be found in the Staff Planning, Development & Review (PDR) Handbook Chapter.
Frequently asked questions
Below you will find all frequently asked questions relating to development, performance and promotions procedures.
The need for PDR
Why PDR?
Success in the University means creating an environment where people can perform at their best to enable the school, branch and individual to achieve their objectives.
It is the role of all people managers to guide and manage the performance of staff, both as individuals and as a team. They must ensure a clear line of sight linking everyone’s work to the University’s strategy; they must also convey what contribution is expected, set performance objectives, provide feedback, appraise performance, guide development and ensure staff are recognised for good performance.
The PDR process is a key focus for the University of Adelaide, and there are clear expectations around the importance and need for PDR conversations to take place for every staff member.
The Planning Development and Review process has the following objectives:
- Enables you and your supervisor to align individual short and longer-term work and development objectives with those of the University and your unit;
- Ensure role clarity and reach agreement on annual objectives of the position;
- Provide an opportunity for two-way feedback between you and your supervisor on a regular basis; and
- Determine appropriate learning and development in relation to the position and for career development purposes.
What can I do to prepare for my PDR discussion?
For Staff
Ensure you have a meeting scheduled for your Planning, Development and Review discussion.
Your preparation prior to the Planning, Development and Review discussion involves:
- A template of the Planning, Development and Review Conversation Record.
- Professional Staff: Your Position Description
- Academic staff: Classification Standards: Academic and Research Only Staff (Schedule 6 of the University of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement), relevant Adelaide Academic: Role Statement and Individual Academic Profile.
- Your Work Plan Objectives set in the previous review period against what was achieved.
- Evidence of performance.
- Achievements for the period under review.
- Performance against objectives set in previous review period.
- Objectives that were not achieved, the reasons and the impacts.
- Suggestions for improvement.
- Learning and development activities undertaken.
- Any problems encountered. Be specific and offer possible solutions.
- Any specific learning and development needs
- Suggestions for new Work Plan objectives and how to measure the objectives. You may wish to consider objectives that specifically align to the Staff Values and Behaviour Framework.
- Ideas for possible learning and development activities to assist you in achieving your Work Plan objectives and improving your performance.
- Career planning and possible activities to assist you in achieving your career goals (optional).
For Supervisors
The supervisor’s preparation prior to the Planning, Development and Review meeting involves:
- Reviewing the goals and targets outlined in the: (1) University’s Strategic Plan; (2) Faculty/Division Plans; and (3) School/Branch Plans, and identifying how they flow into the local work area and the work of the individual members of staff.
- Familiarising yourself with the work/role of the individual staff member.
- Familiarising yourself with the leave balances, current workload of the individual as well as knowledge of any declared Conflicts of Interest (if applicable) prior to the PDR meeting
- Identifying how the individual staff member contributes to achieving these goals.
- Consider possible work objectives for the staff member. You may wish to consider objectives that specifically align to the Staff Values and Behaviour Framework for your team.
- Reviewing and identifying appropriate workload allocation.
- Developing a position description or reviewing and identifying any changes required in the current position description (Professional Staff only).
- Collecting/collating evidence on the performance during the period under review.
- Identifying areas for further development and/or improvement that need to be addressed in the discussion.
In addition, identify any specific workplace issues that may need:
- Clarification or elaboration.
- Joint problem solving.
- Additional resources.
- Workloads [University of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement (as amended) (clause 5.4)].
Should my position description be reviewed as a part of the PDR process?
If you have a current position description/role statement, this can be used to help develop your work objectives for the year, and will be a useful document to review as part of the process. It may also be an opportunity for you and your supervisor to consider any updates that may be necessary to your position description/role statement if there have been changes to your job since your last PDR conversation.
The University cycle
How often should I have a progress review?
You should have progress reviews regularly. You can provide feedback informally throughout the year, and there are 3 formal PDR conversations – Objective Setting, the Mid Term Review, and the Final Review.
Should PDR be conducted on an annual cycle or on my anniversary date?
PDR is conducted on an annual cycle, using the calendar year as a guide. See the breakdown of PDR stages.
Timing - why was the calendar year picked for PDR?
A common cycle for PDR is required so that everyone completes their reviews by a certain point. There is no one perfect time for all as business and financial planning uses a calendar year approach, so to does PDR.
Is PDR a one off process or should there be regular conversations?
The formal PDR process should include an Objective setting meeting, mid term review and final review, however regular informal discussions and reviews are encouraged to monitor progress and keep plans on track throughout the year.
It is also good practice to have a discussion if supervisors or roles change - this helps ensure you get timely feedback and know what is expected of you as well as aligning goals and development needs.
PDR is not a one off process, it is an cyclical process and should compliment ongoing conversations throughout the year.
Do I have to have 3 PDR conversations?
While you may have a number of informal conversations during the year about work objectives, it is important that the formal discussions take place to ensure both staff and supervisors have the opportunity to discuss work objectives, development, performance, development and can also identify any blockages or issues that are posing challenges.
Whilst it is important that each of these conversations takes place (i.e. objective setting, mid term review and final review), it is possible for the final review and objective setting for the following year to be completed at the same meeting.
Roles and responsibilities
Who will participate in the PDR process?
All staff other than casuals will participate in the PDR process. This includes both academic and professional staff and staff on fixed term contracts till the end of December 2023.
Who is responsible for conducting my PDR?
For professional staff your supervisor is the person you report to.
For academic staff your supervisor may be your Head of School or Executive Dean. In large departments you may be assigned a supervisor who should have insight into the work you do. If you do not know who your supervisor is you should check with your Head of School.
Do I have a PDR plan if I am on probation?
Yes. Even if you are on probation you should still take part in the Planning, Development and Review process. Your supervisor may note your probationary status on the your PDR plan as well as the probation end date. Please not that probation time frames will vary depending on whether you are a professional or academic staff member.
Do I need to participate in PDR if I'm a casual or job share staff?
What happens if my supervisor changes during the PDR cycle?
This will happen from time to time. It may be appropriate for your current supervisor to discuss your performance with your previous supervisor. However, your previous supervisor does not need to be involved in setting goals and development plans for the future.
If a PDR has been submitted for approval to a supervisor who has since left the role, the PDR will not transfer to your new supervisor. The PDR will need to be reset by the HR Service Centre and you will then need to change the supervisor ID and resubmit. -
What should I do with PDR if the duties of my role have changed during the year?
You will need to discuss this with your supervisor and agree on a sensible approach. Each situation will be different, however if your role changed during the last 12 months your PDR objectives should have been updated to match your current responsibilities. If this did not happen and your documented objectives are no longer relevant you should discuss this in your meeting or speak to your supervisor before your PDR discussion.
When should I conduct PDR with my staff members if I have staff commencing out of line with the PDR cycle?
No matter what period we are in with the PDR cycle, it is recommended that you meet as soon as practical to discuss expectations of the role, clarify duties and set work and development objectives. This can also be done in conjunction with the first probation meeting. From there you can work towards transitioning to the PDR cycle. For example, if a staff member commencing in the middle of the year may have an Objective Setting meeting and a final review meeting and omit the Mid Term Review. A staff member commencing towards the end of the year may set some short term goals and discuss short term development but commence their formal PDR in the following year.
What should I do with PDR if I have changed roles within the University or I have a staff member who has transferred from another area in the University?
If the role is quite different, you will discuss and set new objectives with the staff member/new supervisor.
To update PDR record in SSO, contact the HR Service Centre to request for the PDR reset. This will allow you to upload a new PDR document and confirm PDR with your new supervisor.
If the staff member is in a similar role, it may be worthwhile considering the objectives that have already been set and include a few additional comments to highlight the change in team.
In situations where transfers happen later in the year, end of year review could be done jointly with the previous supervisor, or the previous supervisor’s feedback incorporated into your review discussion.
Accountability and monitoring
With direct reports who work between two managers, who will be the PDR owning manager?
This should be discussed between managers, with input from the staff member if suitable. In most instances one manager may become the primary ‘owning’ manager for PDR, but it is expected that both managers will provide input into the individual’s review.
What happens if my supervisor is not available for the PDR discussion by the due date?
PDR is compulsory for all staff other than casuals. If there is a difficulty with arranging the meeting you should consult your Executive Dean or Director to ensure alternative arrangements are put in place.
I was absent from work for 6 months. What does that mean for me and my PDR?
Due to your prolonged absence it is reasonable that your performance will reflect this. It is important to note the length of your absence in your comments and assess your performance and achievements for the time you were at the University.
How will anyone know if my team or I don't participate in PDR?
All PDRs should be recorded in SSO by the relevant deadlines. Reports are run by HR and periodically provided toHeads of School, Branch Directors and summaries to Executive Deans. PDR participation rates will be reported on annually to council.
Who is included in the PDR participation report?
Active employees who hold a continuing or fixed-term contract excluding those on long term leave at time of reporting.
If I have changed roles within the PDR cycle, how should I record my PDR?
If you have set objectives in your previous role, and confirmed this in Staff Services Online - you will need to discuss with your new supervisor how they would like to record and track PDR. The new set of objectives should be confirmed and stored in the shared drive. If your supervisor would like your PDR confirmed through SSO you are able to contact the HR Service Centre to request for your Objective Setting row to be reset. This will allow you to upload a new PDR document and confirm your PDR with your new supervisor.
If you have not yet confirmed a PDR in Staff Services Online - you are able to do this following your first objective setting meeting with your new supervisor. You may need to manually update the change of supervisor within the system.
What can I do if I disagree with my supervisor's comments on my PDR?
It is important that you and your Supervisor talk through your PDR form and any comments made. If you disagree with your Supervisor’s comments, you should talk this through with them. If you are not satisfied after discussing this with them, you may wish to talk to the Human Resources Advisor for your Faculty or Business Unit. Staff can contact HR for advice at any stage of the PDR process. You may follow the Complaint Resolution (Staff) Procedure to resolve the matter, or seek advice from your HR Advisor. Please refer to the University of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement (as amended) (Clause 8.4 and 8.5) for information about dispute resolution processes.
Will completing the PDR affect my salary increment?
No. As per the Enterprise Agreement, you will still get your salary increment on your anniversary date. HR will inform you when you are due for incremental progression. Your performance can be an input into the decision to accelerate or withhold payments.
How do I document and submit my PDR recording?
Use the relevant PDR Conversations Record to document your PDR conversations. These PDR Conversation Records can be found under ‘Recording PDR’.
PDRs are to be submitted through Staff Services Online (SSO) by the relevant deadline. More information about the PDR Cycle and timeframes can be found above. A quick reference guide is available to assist in submitting your PDR and also for supervisors in approving a PDR submission.
Who can access my PDR plan?
You and your supervisor will have access to this document in SSO.
Are there any other alternatives to the PDR resolution process if I disagree with my supervisor (regarding PDR)?
Staff can contact HR for advice at any stage of the PDR process. Staff are encouraged to resolve PDR issues and disputes at a local level by discussing it with their Supervisor in the first instance. However, if you unable to resolve the problem with your supervisor, you may follow the Complaint Resolution (Staff) Procedure to resolve the matter, or seek advice from your HR Advisor.
Setting SMART objectives
What happens if my PDR objectives change throughout the year?
You can add any unplanned objectives throughout the year. It is important to think about this during your Mid Term Review and add any additional objectives which have arisen in the previous months. This ensures that the total scope of your work and performance is taken into account at the Final Review discussion. Make a note of any objectives that arise in between PDR discussions so that they can be discussed at the Mid Term or Final Review conversations.
What will happen if I haven't completed the PDR objectives that were agreed to last year?
Plans are created to guide us toward the completion of certain work but sometimes there are valid reasons why our priorities shift. Ideally, you and your supervisor will have been discussing your progress throughout the year and will have agreed on variations to your plan as required. The reasons for the variations will need to be documented and other significant achievements recorded in their place.
If we meet our PDR objectives, do we have to do more with each successive year?
No. The PDR plan is not a tool for allocating more work. As you acquire more skills you may take on different and more complex tasks.
Can my supervisor tell me what to research when setting my PDR performance objectives?
No. The University does not interfere with academic research methods or the subject matter they are researching through the PDR process.
What about areas where team PDR objectives are common?
There is an option for team based objectives and measures as part of the PDR process but each staff member will have individual PDR meetings and review their own performance against set objectives.
How can I set objectives with my staff members if I haven't even had PDR with my own supervisor?
If you haven't yet had a PDR conversation with your supervisor, but wish to start meeting with your staff members, it is your responsibility to set up a PDR meeting with your supervisor.
Deliverables and expectations
What are the timeframes for PDR stages?
The PDR stages, and associated timeframes are consistent each year. The Objective Setting stage allows for clear and meaningful work objectives to be set for the year and must be recorded in SSO between January and the end of March. It is expected that this planning conversation would include, workload allocations, teaching targets, research expectations, and leave planning. The Objective Setting stage is also an opportunity to discuss development and set development objectives and plans for the year.
Mid Term Review from the start of June to the end of July each year. This stage provides an opportunity to acknowledge and document progress made towards achieving the agreed objectives; to provide coaching or guidance on objectives yet to be achieved; to discuss new opportunities and/or changes in direction; and to discuss progress on individual development goals.
Final Review from the start of November to the end of December (prior to University shutdown). This stage is to review actual performance outcomes against agreed objectives and to discuss progress made towards development goals and career plans and the impact that this has made.
Should you wish to use your final review meeting to also set objectives for the next year, you are welcome to do this however this should be recorded in the PDR tracker as two meetings (one review meeting and one objective setting meeting).
We are in the proess of major change in my portfolio/unit - do the same PDR deliverables and expectations apply?
Planning Development and Reviews (PDR) are a basic requirement of our employment at the University. PDR discussions are important because they help all staff to be clear about the University’s and their unit’s goals. They help convey what contribution is expected from you, how you are performing, and what development you might undertake for your current role and for your career. Open and honest conversations are particularly important during periods of change however where necessary, objectives, timeframes and deliverables may need to be adjusted in line with the timeframes for, or outcomes of, major change processes.
How are the Academic Role Statements used in PDR?
The minimum performance expectations defined in the Role Statements are one of the inputs to inform the objectives set in the PDR process. Where minimum standards are achieved, staff and supervisors should plan objectives that support high performance, rather than being confined to minimum performance.
How are the Individual Academic Profiles (IAPs) used in PDR?
The Individual Academic Profile (IAP) is a record of existing information from University systems that specifically relates to a staff member's academic achievement in a range of areas including teaching activity, HDR supervision and completion, in addition to publications and research grants.
The IAP is used to support PDR conversations by providing a collation of evidence of academic achievements to assist in more efficiently assessing progress of a staff member's individual objectives. There will be other evidence that a staff member will bring to the conversation, but the IAP provides a core of information that is consistent across the University. Any anomalies with the data in the IAP can be discussed at the PDR meeting and subsequently updated with the relevant data source.
How and when will I gain access to my IAP?
Planning and Analytics will send to each academic staff member by email their IAP in February and July. Heads of School will access all reports through a network shared folder.
What kind of support is available for PDR?
There are a number of online resources available in the Support Resources section of this webpage to help supervisors and staff achieve meaningful outcomes from the PDR process. Online resources are being updated all the time, and include policies and procedures, FAQs, forms and templates, and links to useful information and resources.
Do I have to use a form for PDR?
The PDR conversation record is a template to help ensure you cover all the relevant components of an effective Planning, Development and Review discussion. It can be edited where needed to suit the needs of the staff member and supervisor.