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Making choices for the future

Two paths diverge on a forest track, with yellow signs, one pointing left saying 'that way' and the one right saying 'this way'

When choosing between opportunities, I have been finding it hard to accept either answer out of fear it is the wrong one.

[Read more about Making choices for the future]

Serotonin from dumplings

dumplings on a plate

Food has such a powerful impact on my mood. Once I’ve eaten some good dumplings, I feel happy, safe and ready to take on the world.

[Read more about Serotonin from dumplings]

This is a reminder...

Girl sitting crossed legged and breathing in a relaxed way

For all of you working hard to hand in your last assignments, and studying tirelessly for your last exams, this is a reminder for you to take a breather. 

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Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas

Red Christmas tree decorations

We’re in the 11th month of the year! Not long until the Christmas holidays now. Every year I promise myself that I’ll be more organised and not let myself get sucked into stressing too much about presents and gifts.

[Read more about Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas]

I’m not good at sleeping

kangaroo sleeping image - links to sleep better page

I’m really feeling the brunt of poor sleep, and I want to put in more effort. Continue reading for my reflections on my sleep patterns.

[Read more about I’m not good at sleeping]

Physical (season 1): review

After a long recovery from finishing the last season of How I Met Your Mother and deciding not to watch it all over again, mum and I settled on a new Apple TV show called Physical (2021). 

[Read more about Physical (season 1): review]

Setting fitness goals

weights and sneakers

I am finding that simple fitness goals help me stay motivated and keep on track.

[Read more about Setting fitness goals]

Salty sips & mangoes

water scene at sunset - image

Summer is something so exciting to look forward to – there’s the holiday season, swimming, ice cream and warmth. Continue reading for my thoughts on summer.

[Read more about Salty sips & mangoes]

Paying rent on time

A small wooden house, three stacks of coins and an alarm clock.

One of the things that I have found it hardest to adjust to when living independently is paying bills by myself.

[Read more about Paying rent on time]

Roses and truths

Red roses

I never really used to like roses. I think growing up I used to simply associate them with the Valentine’s Day cliche.

[Read more about Roses and truths]