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New HSW FAQs: Provision of first aid during COVID-19

New frequently asked questions have been developed to provide information and guidance to First Aiders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

[Read more about New HSW FAQs: Provision of first aid during COVID-19]

HSW Handbook and Broken Links - update

The HSW team has further amended broken links within handbook chapters, FAQs and associated documents.

[Read more about HSW Handbook and Broken Links - update]

HSW Handbook and Broken Links - update

The HSW team has further amended broken links within handbook chapters, FAQs and associated documents.

[Read more about HSW Handbook and Broken Links - update]

HSW Handbook and Broken Links

The migration of the HSW website to Drupal caused many links to break within pages and documents. The HSW team is progressively going through these and uploading them to the website once fixed.

[Read more about HSW Handbook and Broken Links]

Handbook chapter approval: Managing HSW in the work environment

The revised HSW Handbook Chapter “Managing HSW in the work environment (including infrastructure and facilities)” has now been posted on the HSW website.

[Read more about Handbook chapter approval: Managing HSW in the work environment]

New safety when working from home FAQs


New frequently asked questions have been developed to provide information and guidance on safety when working from home. 

[Read more about New safety when working from home FAQs]

Resilence calendar - Jump back July 2020

We can't control what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond.

[Read more about Resilence calendar - Jump back July 2020]

New online information session - Plant/Equipment Safety

Online Offerings

A new online information session has been uploaded to the HSW website.

[Read more about New online information session - Plant/Equipment Safety]

Updated Travel Safety FAQs

Travel FAQs

The Travel Safety FAQs have been updated to reflect the current University of Adelaide's travel authorisation process to interstate, South Australian and international destinations.

[Read more about Updated Travel Safety FAQs]

2019/2020 Income Statements

Income statement

2019/2020 Income Statements are now available through your registered tax agent or ATO online services using myGov.

[Read more about 2019/2020 Income Statements]