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Putting self-care to the test

As a society, we talk a lot about self-care, but now, in the wake of COVID-19, the concept of self-care and what we actually mean when we say that is being put to the test.

[Read more about Putting self-care to the test]

Frosty winter

Winter is well and truly here. How do I know? The cold is seeping into my bones. 

[Read more about Frosty winter]

Soup season is here

It’s a busy time in the semester and there’s no doubt now that winter is here! Here are a few soup recipes which are easy to whip up.

[Read more about Soup season is here]

Recipe: cacao almond bliss balls

As part of an effort to eat and live more sustainably, I’ve started making bliss balls; a mix of dates, nuts, and other good things. Here's an easy recipe to follow at home.

[Read more about Recipe: cacao almond bliss balls]

How owning a pet can improve wellbeing

About a month ago, I adopted a cat, and ever since, my wellbeing has improved immensely. Here's why.

[Read more about How owning a pet can improve wellbeing]

Childhood photos

Helping Mum with a big clean out and to my shock we stumble across some old funny/embarrassing childhood photos. 

[Read more about Childhood photos]

Top five TV shows of the decade!

Inspired by my recent post  'Top Five Movies of the Decade’, I am following up with my top five TV Shows of the decade!

[Read more about Top five TV shows of the decade!]

Soaking up the sunny days of winter

Restrictions seem to be quickly easing now but it’s also not quite into the ‘next normal’ yet.

[Read more about Soaking up the sunny days of winter]

Am I good enough?

Perfectionism to me means thinking about all the things I could, and should be doing.

[Read more about Am I good enough?]

The final hurdle

It’s the final hurdle. My last exam and a couple of major assignments. The end is in sight.

[Read more about The final hurdle ]