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Hot tip: use an egg as a stress-ball

I feel a bit like I shouldn’t be sharing this with you, like it’s a valuable secret that I should keep to myself. Except, I remind myself, surely knowledge is something that we should share with as many people as possible, especially in a university; for this reason, I am going to share with you the greatest party trick I have ever seen.

[Read more about Hot tip: use an egg as a stress-ball]

Surviving a long distance relationship

My boyfriend went to Canada and didn’t come home for 8 months. Within the first few weeks of meeting Lee, he told me he planned on working overseas for his gap year. So there I was, in the midst of the delightful honeymoon period of our relationship, knowing that soon we would find ourselves living in different continents. Will we last? Should I visit him? Should we just take a break from the relationship?

[Read more about Surviving a long distance relationship]

The Crown is deeply personal

The much anticipated third season of Netflix’s The Crown hit the streaming service on November 18. The show is rightly much praised, for everything from its impeccable set design to understated yet insightful dialogue. I find each and every episode a pleasure to watch.

[Read more about The Crown is deeply personal]

Discovering local bands

I have always loved live music, but I didn’t really get into local music until my housemate, who is a musician, moved in to our share house. I started going along to his gigs and began to notice other great local bands that were performing at the same venues. I soon learnt that there is a vibrant local music scene in Adelaide that I never really knew about. Seeing more local, live music has without a doubt made my life better. I love finishing a day at uni or work and being able to dance with abandon to the energetic sounds of a local rock band.

[Read more about Discovering local bands]

Are essential oils safe?

I have a diffuser at home that I use to diffuse essential oils that fragrance my home. I don’t do it for any health benefits, other than the fact that I enjoy the nice smell and it makes my home feel cleaner and brighter. I recently used essential oils in a soap making workshop, and the point was reinforced about the safety of essential oils, particularly to not use them on young infants and children. It got me thinking about essential oil safety, and in which contexts or uses would they be unsafe.

[Read more about Are essential oils safe?]

Moving on from pets

Me, ‘I’m going to miss you, buddy. I hope you have a good life and are taken care of.’

[Read more about Moving on from pets]

I wish I never started drinking coffee

I remember trying to phase coffee into my life multiple times. I began with a mocha and thought it was delightfully different to a hot chocolate.

[Read more about I wish I never started drinking coffee]

Human warmth

What does it mean when we say that someone is ‘warm’? To me, a warm person is someone who is friendly and kind. When you are around them, you feel safe and comfortable, like being curled up in a warm blanket. Warm people are open to connection rather than being ‘cold’ or unfriendly.

[Read more about Human warmth]

The impossible summer bucket list

In the lead-up to every summer for as long as I can remember, I have written a ‘summer bucket list’—a sort of aspirational guide to the season ahead. The items on the list have always varied in intensity, from simple things like fish and chips on the beach with friends, to slightly more complicated targets, like holidaying at a beach house.

[Read more about The impossible summer bucket list]

To-do lists

How great are to-do lists? I love them. They help you organise your thoughts and achieve your goals. I recently started one at the end of the last exam period to help get through the mountain of personal tasks I had been putting off during semester.

[Read more about To-do lists]