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Fighting for what you care about

The ocean is very close to my heart. I grew up spending holidays by the sea, and the beach is where I go when I need to process things. It's my favourite place.

[Read more about Fighting for what you care about]

Taking back control by establishing routines

The baby has arrived and I feel like night and day just blend together and that I've lost a sense of time.

[Read more about Taking back control by establishing routines]

Self care in busy times

Now is probably a good time to revisit some useful strategies for taking care of myself so that I don't get burnt out. Here are some things I find useful.

[Read more about Self care in busy times ]

Soak it all in: the highs and lows of the Ph.D.

It's two in the morning on Friday and, as I sit at my desk struggling through writing a few more words for my thesis, I can't help but think about how I will manage to finish my PhD while navigating motherhood.

[Read more about Soak it all in: the highs and lows of the Ph.D.]

Chlamydia and stigma

One time, I got a phone call from the sexual health clinic telling me that I had tested positive for chlamydia. I was completely shocked.

[Read more about Chlamydia and stigma ]

I hate saying goodbye

Over the weekend, we said goodbye to one of our housemates, who is moving overseas. As I sat down with him to have one last cup of tea, I was caught off guard by a strong feeling of melancholy.

[Read more about I hate saying goodbye]

Opening up about failure

Talking about our failures might not be such a bad thing. 

[Read more about Opening up about failure]

Television recommendation: Years and Years

Have you ever watched a TV show that completely changed the way you think about the world?

[Read more about Television recommendation: Years and Years ]


One of (if not the) biggest causes of stress for me has been securing a job after uni.

[Read more about Miracle]

The Deconstructed Diary (Month)

When did public holidays happen? When were people's birthdays? When were doctor's appointments? The second essential step to my deconstructed diary was the month.

[Read more about The Deconstructed Diary (Month)]