Digital Presentation Suite – Barr Smith Library

Construction of three state-of-the-art studio Digital Presentation Suites (DPS) will take the University well and truly into the world of online learning.

Artist impression of a Digital Presentation Suite

Artist impression of a Digital Presentation Suite. 

Project details

The suites on level 2 of the Barr Smith Library, will be equipped to facilitate both synchronous (via livestream) and asynchronous (pre-recorded) delivery of online-only classes, allowing students to access and engage with coursework at their own pace and on their own schedule. 

The suites will link to the existing adjacent Recording Studio, with new support spaces created including an editing suite, green room and tea point. This central location allows for safe, after-hours access with adjacent existing technical support.

Expected project completion with asynchronous use is late-2024. 

Project team