Current Projects

Our capital works program is structured to improve the student and staff experience at all of our campuses. 


A high-tech enclosed space to simulate high-fidelity lunar and Martian environments at the Roseworthy campus.

Roseworthy Cattle and Sheep Yards

New cattle and sheep yards will provide contemporary teaching and research facilities for the Vet School, and a safe, dry environment for livestock.  

Net Zero Geomodelling Laboratory

A multi-purpose learning space with a focus on research, tertiary education and secondary school outreach programs.

Madley – Specialist Music Teaching Spaces

A refresh to bring new life and colour to the Madley practice rooms and align them to existing adjacent spaces.

Ray Last Laboratory Refurbishment

A project to increase operational efficiency of the Ray Last Anatomy Laboratory to facilitate concurrent teaching and back of house functionality.

Roseworthy Small Animal Research Facility

Breakwell Building East to be upgraded to provide a PC2 lab for small animal research.

School of Architecture - Learning & Teaching Refresh

Dated Architecture teaching spaces to receive a much needed facelift and new AV.

Quantum Materials MBE Lab

A new high-tech laboratory will provide a dedicated facility for quantum materials device fabrication at North Terrace.

Roseworthy Teaching Lab refresh

Teaching labs, offices and surrounding areas are being refreshed in the Williams building.

National Wine Centre Asset Renewal Program

Staged program of plant and equipment replacement at the National Wine Centre to enable greater building and service efficiencies.