Bonython Hall amenities and accessibility
The addition of modern amenities and accessibility improvements to one of the University’s grandest buildings makes it easier to welcome the whole community to this Adelaide landmark.

The Bonython Hall amenities project required substantial planning, scheduling and construction due to the number of high-profile events in the Hall (including graduations) and the low load-bearing capacity of the adjacent plaza. To ensure that the structural integrity of Bonython Hall could be maintained, and damage prevented to the heritage façade, a prefabricated module was built off-site and crane-lifted over the building where it was fixed into place on the eastern side.
Project overview
- Location: Bonython Hall east side, North Terrace Campus
- Cost: $2m
- Architects: DNC Architects and DASH Architects
- Construction partner: SARAH Constructions
- Project team: Etienny Trindade, James Rivett, Lotte Symonds, Maureen Fry, Kon Corolis, Sonja Graetz, Phillipa Schliebs, Rebecca Schmidt
- A stand-alone, all gender amenities block with two cubicles, two ambulant accessible cubicles, one accessible cubicle with infant changing facilities, and a shared wash basin.
- Improved accessible ramp entrance with new handrails, a wood canopy, lighting and CCTV.
- End-of-trip shower and change facilities on the lower level of the block with entry from the underground car park.
Toilets completed May 2024.
End-of-trip facilities and access ramp completed August 2024.