1059 Lecture Theatre

A flexible space suitable for lectures, seminars or conferences, that can be used as one large venue or two separate rooms. 

Photo of the AHMS 1059 A/B lecture theatre(s).


When the divider is in place, each section of the room is equipped with:

  • Standard AV equipment: PC, projector, screens, 1 roaming microphone, 1 lapel microphone, 1 lectern microphone.
  • High resolution presentation screen with VGA/HDMI input and audio jack.
  • Video-conferencing facilities.
  • Teleconferencing capability.
  • Adjacent foyer for networking, registration and catering purposes.

Room configuration

A minimum of two days' notice is required for the room divider to be put in place.

  • 1059A/B: 208
  • Split into 1059A and 1059B: 104 per section


  • No food or drink (bottled water permitted) to be consumed in lecture theatres.
  • Please book adjacent foyer for any catering planned.
  • Room to be left neat and tidy upon completion of the event.
  • Prices available on request.

Book now (staff & students) Book now (external groups)