Joe Verco Lecture Theatre

A distinctive and functional room suitable for lectures, moderated discussion panels, seminars and conferences.

Joe Verco lecture room


  • A horseshoe-shaped arrangement of desks and seating with a central flat floor space for presentations.
  • Ramped entry, designed to accommodate a barouche (operating theatre trolly).
  • Microphones at every seat to enable a fully audible and recordable, moderated discussion.
  • Standard AV equipment: PC, projector, screens, 1 roaming microphone, 1 lapel microphone, 1 lectern microphone.
  • High resolution presentation screen with VGA/HDMI input and audio jack.
  • Video-conferencing facilities.
  • Teleconferencing capability.
  • Adjacent foyer for networking, registration and catering purposes.


  • No food or drink (bottled water permitted) to be consumed in the lecture theatre.
  • Theatre to be left neat and tidy upon completion of the event.
  • Prices available on request.